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Detail Guide – How to Hire Dedicated Android Developers for Startups and Co-Founders

Published: Dec 27, 2022  |   | 

Hire Dedicated Android App Developer

As the most successful operating system in terms of market share and popularity, Android OS can give your business a competitive edge. A user-friendly Android app can transform various processes and attract a huge audience to join with your organization. In this article, we will discuss the best ways to hire dedicated Android developers for your upcoming project.

Effective Tips to Hire a Dedicated Android Developer

Tips to Hire a Dedicated Android Developer

As per the BusinessofApps survey, over 2.8 billion people use Android OS globally as this operating system enjoys a whopping 87 percent market share. Simply put, a market-centric Android business app can assist your company to go to the next level by reaching a huge audience easily. However, you need to hire a reputed Android app development company that offers dedicated and proficient developers. 

Here are the top tips to hire Android application developers for your company. 

Focus on Proficiency

If you are looking to hire Android app developers, their proficiency in working on cutting-edge tools remains in the center. Also, you need to consider their overall experience in developing customized apps for various industry sectors. 

Check the Portfolio

Before hiring an Android app development company, it is always better to check their portfolios. Most companies have put their works online, and therefore, you can easily go through their past projects. It helps you understand their approach and skills. 

Ask for Experienced Developers

Let's face it! Experienced Android app developers can charge more hourly rate than that of inexperienced ones. But then, such low-budget developers may not manage the app's complexity and performance, so, it is always better to ask for experienced app developers. 

Meet Previous Clients

You can connect to past clients before hiring an Android application development company. It can give you insights on the working style of the team of developers and the development company's overall work culture. 

Go for a Reputed Company

Whether you want to hire remote Android developers or outsource your app project, it is always better to choose a reputed company as a development partner. You can easily hire the team and get all services under one roof by hiring a robust and reliable app development company. 

Ensure NDA and Other Agreements

Privacy protection and secure data access are essential for any company these days. You need to make sure that the Android app development company you want to hire is ready to sign NDA and other necessary agreements to protect your valuable corporate data. 

Take Interview of Developers

Many app development companies offer a facility to take the developer's interview. It assists you to know their technical and soft skills. The developer's interviews also enable you to know their innovative approach and other necessary information. 

Discuss the Post-development Support

Last but not the least! It is imperative to ask for post-development assistance in app submission, maintenance, and update on regular intervals. Team of dedicated Android app developers can help you manage your app effectively.

Once your requirements are clear and these tips are in your mind, you can find the right Android app development partner for your project. But, here, you need to consider one essential aspect- cost to hire dedicated Android developers. Let’s dig deep into it. 

How much does it cost to hire dedicated android developers ?

Cost to Hire Dedicated Android Developer

Investing in Android app development not only gives you a competitive edge but also help you bring automation in several business processes. You can reach a huge audience consisting of Android phone users and get the opportunity to expand your business. 

Talking about the development cost of customized Android apps, it depends on various factors including type of app, necessary features, app complexity, and developer’s location. You may find these factors interconnected but it is essential to consider all of them while assigning your app project to a reputed development company. 

Usually, developers charge hourly that can range from $18 an hour to $150 an hour. This hourly rate depends on app type and location of developers. For example, US and Canada-based developers charge anywhere between $150 to $200 whereas Android developers in India and the Philippines charge $20 to $50 for an hour. 

Standalone apps like calendar and clock-based apps have low development cost whereas game apps and IoT-powered apps have high development cost. It is always beneficial to hire dedicated Android developers or outsource your app development project to a reliable and reputed company. You can hire remote Android developers from IT companies as per your project needs. Various IT companies offer several engagement models that can easily meet your project requirements and budget allocation. 

Simple Android applications with basic features can cost around $20k to $35k. However, it depends on various factors and it is, therefore, necessary to send the project requirements to reputed mobile app development companies to get their quotes. 

Hire a Dedicated Android Developer : Main Advantages

Advanatages of Dedicated Android Developer

Whether you have a brilliant app idea or a large-scale project, hiring a team of dedicated Android developers is a beneficial and cost-effective way to get started. Here are the top benefits of hiring Android app developers from a renowned development company. 

  • High Flexibility

Most Android app development companies offer flexible hiring models. These models are designed to scale your team of developers as per the project needs. In a way, you can get more flexibility in the app development process. 

  • Cost-effectiveness

When you hire dedicated Android app developers, they will take hourly rates and you can save big on other administrative costs and overheads. It remains highly cost-effective and convenient even for startups and SMEs. 

  • Focus on Core Processes

As the development team takes care of every aspect of your Android app, you can easily focus more on other core activities of your company. It is like assigning one of your crucial projects to a robust team that works away from your office. 

  • More Control

A dedicated team of developers can remain as an extension of your in-house team and belongs to your company virtually till the project lasts. You can manage its functioning and set the deadlines for the team to ensure timely delivery. 

  • Access to Global Talent Pool

When you hire Android app developers from a country far away from your headquarter, you can strengthen your company's global footprints and get access to an extended talent pool according to your company's work culture. 

  • Rapid Development

Seamless communication, effective coordination, and fast kickoff can pave the way for rapid app development. Also, your company works with real professionals, and as a result, you get tangible results quickly. 

Sounds interesting? Let’s go through the technology stack you should prefer for developing a customized Android app before looking at common hiring mistakes and key benefits of outsourcing your projects to a reputed partner. 

Which tech stack should you choose for your Android app?

Choose Tech Stack for your Android App

When you hire Android app developers, they can build a native app for your business using two different programming languages- Java and Kotlin. Google has recognized both these languages as official for developing customized Android apps. Compared to iOS application development, the Android toolset has more IDE options for developers. However, most Android app developers prefer Android Studio. 

If you want to build a cross-platform Android app then Flutter should be the right app development framework.  Google has created Flutter as an open-source UI SDK (Software Development Kit) to build cross-platform apps for Android OS, Windows, iOS and other platforms. 

Java for Android App Development

As a robust and versatile programming language, Java remains a preferred choice for Android developers. Though it is platform-independent language, mostly it is used for developing customized Android apps. High security, built-in features like JIT (Just-In-Time) compilation, and active community support are some of the key reasons why Java is beneficial for developing Android apps.

Kotlin for Android App Development

Google announced the Kotlin-first approach in an I/O 2019. Since then, many Android app developers use this expressive and concise language to build tailored apps. Kotlin has some best-in-class features and it can reduce common code errors effectively. Structured concurrency and safer code are other benefits why developers have switched to Kotlin from Java. 

While making a strategy to build a successful Android app for your business, you should keep the requirements for hiring Android app developers in mind. Here are some of the requirements you can consider while making an Android app development roadmap. 

Five Essential Skills to Consider While Hiring Android App Developers

Essential Skills to Consider in Android Developers

Set Your Requirements for Android Apps Developer

Connnect with team of Android Developers

Android application development is a complex process that requires domain expertise, experience, and insights of market trends. When you hire dedicated Android app developers you need to pay attention to the following essential skills-

– Adequate knowledge of programming languages Java and Kotlin

– Insight of Android SDK and Android Studio

– API and Database Integration Skills

– Basic insight of Material Design

– Sufficient understanding of business processes 

– Capability to manage SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle)

– Soft skills necessary for better comprehension

– Communication skills

It is always beneficial to interview shortlisted Android app developers before making a team. The developer's interview enables you to make sure that they can meet your project needs efficiently. 

Common hiring mistakes while hiring Android app developers

Common Hiring Mistakes while Hiring Android App Developers

If you want to leverage the benefits of Android app development, you need to avoid some common mistakes while hiring developers. Here we give some of these common mistakes in the form of Don'ts so that you can stay away from them with ease. 

Never Hire Android app developers who don't

– Have hands-on experience in UI (User Interface) and material design

– Have sufficient knowledge of product design

– Have experience of publishing apps on Google Play

– Have published even a single app

– Have experience of full-stack development

– Have interest in staying updated with Android OS and related stuff

– Have insights on removing bugs and improving app performance

– Have willingness to go the extra mile if necessary

You need to hire Android app developers who have a knack for developing an innovative app by using cutting-edge tools and technologies. You can get some idea about their experience and expertise by looking at their work profile or portfolio and taking technical interviews. 

Benefits of Outsource Android App Developers Team

Benefits of Outsource Android App Development

Outsourcing Android app development can help you get the desired outcome, and that too in a cost-effective way. Here are the top benefits of outsourcing an Android app developers' team.

1. Reduced Costs

Android app outsourcing can enable you to save money on legal costs and other expenses. You can get the cost-efficient packages that are highly flexible for your project requirements and you can save time and effort. 

2. Seamless Management

You can hire remote Android app developers who can act as your distant team and a reputed IT company manages this team for you. In a way, you can get the team of dedicated developers who work exclusively on your project. 

3. Time zone Advantage

Time zone advantage and global exposure for talent are other key benefits of outsourcing Android app development process. Outsourcing enables your company to get an offshore team on a 24×7 basis for ensuring seamless delivery. 

4. High Security

With NDA and other documents signed, you can remain assured of data protection and privacy protection. Also, outsourcing companies can assist you to add additional safety features in the Android app to keep the app highly secure. 

5. Consistent Support

Many reliable and reputed outsourcing mobile app development partners offer post-development support and maintenance services. As a result, you can easily update and manage your enterprise application. 

6. Local Market Opportunities

Your company can grab the opportunities from the market in which the outsourcing partner is located. Simply put, you can get the entry in the market of the other part of the world through outsourcing. 

Reasons to Hire from Semaphore Android App Developers

Semaphore Software is a leading Android app development company which is known for building feature-rich and highly interactive apps.As a CMMi 5-level company, we have served over 2000 clients worldwide to date. You can hire dedicated and experienced app developers from our large in-house team that works in a state-of-the-art infrastructure. We give end-to-end app development services to our corporate clients irrespective of their industry sectors. We strive for ensuring value at every step of the Android app development lifecycle and boost your business. 

We provide cost-effective app solutions that meet all the quality standards. You can avail our flexible engagement models and get your customized business app on time while remaining assured of the confidentiality of your project and data security. We integrate advancements of emerging technologies like AR and IoT to make your enterprise app ready for the future.  

Concluding Lines

Building a feature-rich and user-friendly Android app from scratch is quite a task. However, you can accomplish it by hiring remote app developers from a renowned company. Hope this guide will give answers to all your questions related to hiring developers for building an Android app for your company.  


How to hire an android developer?

You can hire an Android developer through a reputed Android app development company. It is also possible to hire remote Android app developers using online platforms but you need to take care of multiple things while hiring freelance developers.

What are the roles and responsibilities of a full stack Android developer?

Full stack Android developers can code, develop, and debug web applications. They take care of every aspect of app development ranging from designing the app to testing and integrating it with APIs.

What are essential skills for Android Developers?

Insights of programming languages like Java and Kotlin, hands-on experiences of mobile app development platforms, UI/UX, and awareness of cyber security are essential skills for Android app developers.

What are Android Developer Rates?

Hourly rates for Android app developers are different as per their locations. For example, US and Canada-based developers take $150 an hour whereas Indian app developers take anywhere between $20 to $40 depending on the app complexity and other factors.

How much time does it take to develop an app?

It depends on your app’s features and complexity. Usually a mobile app takes around 7 to 12 months. However, the mobile app development company can accelerate this process if necessary.

How much does it cost to hire an Android app developer?

It depends on the team size or number of developers, hourly rate of developers and duration of completing the app development. You can consult a reputed Android app development company to get the accurate quote.