SILVER CMS – Robust Enterprise Content Management Solution

Silver CMS is advanced content management system (CMS) with top-notch functionalities to develop and manage website effortlessly. Its excellent CMS solution to build dynamic portals and websites.
We have well-defined CMS design dashboard, modules and admin console to manage the content by yourself without much technical knowledge. We deliver well-structured design along with pre-developed template along with modern dashboard based admin panel to manage content with ease. The software is mainly developed using ASP.Net and SQL Server to take your website or portal to the next level. It’s flexible, you can extend and customize, add web applications, web services based on your need and functionality required.
Benefits of Using WordPress

How it’s useful and give you edge over other CMS?

It can be used to quickly create and deploy rich, modular and highly interactive websites and portal. CMS allows easy access, review/edit, approve and publish the data on website. Serving as a central repository. CMS is having Roll Based Approach and having enterprise level features like Content Archival, History, Rights Management etc.
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Silver CMS Features

  • Developed using .Net/SQL
  • Responsive CMS Panel – Mobile Friendly
  • User-friendly – Very easy to Use – Even non-technical person can easily upload and publish content
  • Secured (Audited for OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities by various Cert-in Auditors)
  • Template Based
  • Tree Structure Hierarchy
  • Compliance with various accessibility frameworks and standards, such as WAI-ARIA
  • Integrated audit logs
  • SEO-friendly
  • Multilingual Support
  • Multi-site Support
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
  • WYSIWYG Content Editor
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User experience

Our CMS offers simple, built-in Dashboard, text editor and the ability to add pre-defined functionality to the page. As your website or business grows, so should your CMS. You will discover the need to add more content, more functionality and this CMS will give this all.

In-Depth Experience

With 500+ Websites built using this CMS, we have the know-how and competence to meet your needs. Our skilled and capable teams are able to handle complex content management requirements, and suggest customizations and enhancements best suitable to you. This CMS Solution has been audited by several Security Auditors over the time and it’s used by several large Portals as proven solution to manage content.
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