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Why will ReactJS be the Best Option for Building Enterprise-level Apps in 2023?

Published: Apr 20, 2023  |   | 

The Popularity of ReactJs in the Technology Market and Where Does React.js Stand in 2023?

With a broad user base that includes major tech businesses, startups, and individual developers, React.js has quickly risen to become one of the most popular front-end web development frameworks in the technology industry. Facebook initially announced the framework in 2013, and because of its high usability, adaptability, and performance, it has subsequently seen significant adoption.

With the advent of React Native, the framework has also entered the realm of mobile app development, and you must now learn how to migrate reactjs to React. Since it already has a large user base and is constantly being updated and improved, React.js is expected to remain a formidable front-end web development tool in 2023.

React.js will likely continue to change and improve in response to the changing demands of the web development community and its end users. If we look at the report of Statista, ReactJS is the second most used web framework among developers, with 42.62%. 

Why do big brands choose React.js for their development projects?

Choose React.Js for development projects

There are many reasons why migrate from reactjs to React and why major companies use React.js in their development initiatives. So some of them are listed below-

  • React.js's simplicity and user-friendliness have made it a popular choice. It enables programmers to create comprehensible, easily maintained code using reusable modules and components.

  • React.js is fast because it uses a virtual DOM to render and update web pages. Consequently, pages load more quickly, improving the overall user experience.

  • Due to their reusability, developers may save time and effort by reusing the same React.js components in several projects. This decreases the potential for mistakes and guarantees uniformity across projects.

  • There is a sizable group of people working on React.js, so there are plenty of people to learn from and work with if you run into problems.

  • React.js is a flexible framework that can be easily integrated with other tools and platforms due to its wide range of compatibility with other technologies.

In general, React.js is used by major companies since it provides a solid platform on which to build high-quality online apps. Developers and companies alike may benefit from it because of its user-friendliness, speed, flexibility, reusability, community, and compatibility.

Around 85% of individuals nowadays prefer to use websites on their smartphones with the same experience as desktop/laptop displays, highlighting the need for websites adaptable to all screen sizes. In addition, Statista's Q4 2022 study shows that mobile-friendly websites may increase website traffic by up to 59.16%.

What kinds of solutions are usually built with React.js?

solutions are usally built with ReactJs

As a flexible framework, React.js may be used to create a broad variety of applications, such as:

  • React.js is often used to create single-page applications (SPAs), eliminating the need for users to refresh the page repeatedly. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Netflix are SPAs developed using React.js.

  • React.js is also widely used for developing e-commerce systems, which demand rapid data processing and user interaction. Retail giants like Walmart, IKEA, and Adidas all use React.js to power their online stores.

  • React.js's ability to manage sophisticated user interfaces and real-time changes makes it an excellent choice for developing social networks and community-based services. LinkedIn and Pinterest are two social media examples of networks developed using React.js.

  • Data visualisation tools may be created using React.js, allowing users to comprehend better and analyse large amounts of data. Chart.js and D3.js are two examples of React. js-based data visualisation tools.

  • The React. js-based framework React Native may be used to create native mobile apps for both iOS and Android. Social media platforms like Instagram, Airbnb, and Facebook are just a few that have mobile apps developed using React Native.

The benefits of ReactJS development for enterprise apps

benefits of ReactJs Development

Using ReactJS for creating business apps has several advantages:

  • ReactJS's great scalability makes it suitable for the creation and administration of large-scale applications in the business.

  • Because of its modular nature, ReactJS facilitates the creation of corporate apps that are less difficult to administer and maintain

  • ReactJS outperforms other frameworks thanks to its usage of a virtual DOM. This means enhanced functionality and a more pleasurable experience for the end user.

  • ReactJs App Development allows developers to create apps that are compatible with web, desktop, and mobile platforms. This makes it a flexible choice for business applications running on various hardware and operating systems.

  • There is a vast and active community of developers working with ReactJS, so there are many opportunities for education, assistance, and teamwork.

  • Enterprise apps need to be secure and dependable, and ReactJS makes testing code simple.

Angular vs. React for enterprise application development: Which is better?

Regarding building business apps, Angular and React are both viable options, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. When choosing between Angular and React, you should think about the following.

 The learning curve for Angular is higher than that of React, which implies that it may take developers more time to master it. On the other hand, React is well-known for its user-friendliness and straightforwardness

Due to its virtual DOM and one-way data binding technique, React is frequently thought to be quicker and more efficient than Angular in terms of performance. However, Angular's bidirectional data binding has its uses as well.

While React is more of a library that gives architectural freedom, Angular is a full-fledged framework with more structure and built-in capabilities, such as routing and form validation. Large and active communities of Angular and React developers provide a wealth of resources for study, help, and teamwork.

 Angular has its command-line interface (CLI) and tooling, which may speed up and simplify development, whereas React must use other tools and libraries. Regarding testing, Angular provides in-built tools that simplify putting code through its paces, whereas React necessitates the usage of other libraries.

Tips for finding and hiring the right ReactJS developers for your enterprise-level app development team

hiring the right ReactJs Developers

The proper ReactJS development company can make or break an enterprise-level app development team. Here's how to locate and hire them-

  • Define your needs precisely and learn why we need reactjs before beginning your search for ReactJS engineers by being specific about the knowledge and expertise you need. You'll have an easier time finding qualified candidates and filling open positions.

  • Find ReactJS developers who have worked on enterprise-level apps before, as this will demonstrate their skill and experience. Developers with greater experience are better equipped to work on complicated projects and overcome the difficulties that arise from them.

  • Examine their work and speak with previous employers to ensure they have the knowledge and expertise you need for the position. You may learn more about their work ethic, communication skills, and teamwork abilities by contacting their references.

  • Interview candidates using technical questions designed to test their understanding of ReactJS, general programming, and problem-solving abilities. Use this to find people with the technical knowledge you need for your project.

  • When hiring a ReactJS developer, it's crucial to consider their cultural background. You should look for someone cooperative and can work effectively with others. Hire people who believe in the same things and work as hard as you do.

  • Hire ReactJs Developers are always in great demand, so you must give a remuneration plan commensurate with their talents and expertise if you want to attract and retain them. Top talent will be attracted to your company, and turnover will be decreased.

  • Working with a staffing firm helps speed up finding suitable ReactJS developers. Hiring via a staffing agency is a time-efficient way to identify qualified candidates for open positions and learn about what is native vs react.

Showcase of successful enterprise-level apps built with ReactJS

 Some examples of enterprise-level applications created using ReactJS are shown below.

Facebook: ReactJS was used to create the social media giant's user interface. The firm has a sizable development staff responsible for updating and enhancing the company's online and mobile apps.

Netflix: Netflix's online apps are written in ReactJS. To facilitate the rapid development of new features and the enhancement of the user experience, the company's engineers have established a reusable component library.

  •  Instagram: The Instagram online app was developed using the ReactJS framework. The organisation has a sizable development staff responsible for preserving and enhancing the functionality and efficiency of the platform.

  • Airbnb: Regarding their online apps, Airbnb relies on ReactJS. To facilitate the rapid development of new features and the enhancement of the user experience, the company's engineers have established a reusable component library.

  • Newyorktimes: The New York Times uses ReactJS as its primary framework. The Red Carpet Project, the company's implementation of React's capabilities, lets visitors peruse a picture collection of red carpets created for the Oscars celebration.

  • Atlassian: Atlassian employs ReactJS for its online apps; the firm is responsible for such well-known software as JIRA, Confluence, and Bitbucket. To facilitate the rapid development of new features and the enhancement of the user experience, the company's engineers have established a reusable component library.

  • PayPal: The PayPal website is built using ReactJS. To facilitate the rapid development of new features and the enhancement of the user experience, the company's engineers have established a reusable component library.

Explanation of how these apps leverage ReactJS features and best practices

ReactJs Features and Best Practices

The aforementioned business applications make use of the following ReactJS capabilities and best practises:

  • Component-Based Architecture

Developers may make reusable user interface components using ReactJS since it is built on a component-based design. This allows these components to be utilised across the programme, which speeds up development and makes the code easier to maintain. All of these businesses use the component-based design of ReactJS to construct large and scalable apps by creating reusable UI components

  • Virtual DOM

A lightweight approximation of the DOM, the virtual DOM is used by ReactJS. ReactJS can swiftly refresh the user interface since it only has to re-render the altered components, thanks to the virtual DOM. Because of this, rendering times are reduced, and application efficiency is increased. All of these firms use the virtual DOM in ReactJS to make their apps faster.

  • Server-Side Rendering

The first-page load may be produced on the server rather than the client since ReactJS enables server-side rendering. This improves the app's load speed and search engine optimisation. Server-side rendering is used by companies like Airbnb, Netflix, and PayPal to boost app performance.

  • Component-based design

Component-based design and reusable UI components in ReactJS make it possible for developers to build libraries of reusable components. Because these libraries may be reused across projects, development time is reduced and code quality is enhanced. To increase productivity, development teams at companies like Airbnb, Netflix, and Atlassian employ reusable component libraries.

Difference between ReactJS and React Native

So what is the difference between ReactJS and React Native? Facebook's ReactJS and React Native are two distinct technologies with some commonalities.

The main distinctions between reactjs vs reactnative are as follows:

  • React Native is a framework for creating native mobile apps, whereas ReactJS is a JavaScript library for creating online applications. Web applications can be built using ReactJS, while mobile apps can be built with React Native.

  • JavaScript is used to create ReactJS, whereas a hybrid of JavaScript and native code is used to create React Native. To render UI components, React Native relies on native code, whereas JavaScript is used for back-end processing.

  • The syntax for developing UI components in both ReactJS and React Native is similar. Components in ReactJS are written in an HTML-like syntax, whereas in React Native they are written in JSX, which is also similar to HTML but is tailored to mobile app development.

  • Components in ReactJS are rendered to the DOM (Document Object Model) of the user's browser, whereas those in React Native are rendered to the corresponding elements of the native user interface. This implies that react and react native difference may take use of the platform-specific UI components to provide a superior user experience on mobile devices.

  • To style its components, ReactJS relies on the widely-used CSS standard, whereas React Native employs a framework tailored to the needs of mobile apps. To specify component styles, React Native use a mix of JavaScript and CSS-like syntax.

Should you outsource your React app development project?

 Consider the scope of your project, your available resources, how quickly you need the app built, and the experience level of your in-house developers when making your choice on whether or not to outsource the development of your React app.

Hiring a staff from outside the company to learn how to build reactjs application might save money compared to keeping one in-house. This is often the case while working on low-cost, low-scale projects.  By going the outsourcing route, you may recruit a team with skills and knowledge that your in-house staff may be lacking.

Using an external team's experience to learn how to compile reactjs project and rapidly build and release your app is one way in which outsourcing may help you beat the competition to the market.

With outsourcing, you have the freedom to increase or decrease the size of your team as needed and to recruit individuals with the precise set of abilities you're looking for.


To sum up, ReactJS is a robust and widely-used JavaScript toolkit for UI development, whereas React Native is a framework for creating native mobile apps. It is vital to understand the differences between ReactJS and React Native since they have various use cases and syntax before deciding which to employ for your project.

Cost, competence, timeframe, and communication difficulties should all be considered when determining whether or not to outsource your React app development job.

Make sure to learn the difference between react native and react js adequately before deciding. While outsourcing has many advantages, like cost reduction, increased access to experts, and more flexibility, there are also some disadvantages to consider.

Whether or not you choose to outsource the development of your React app relies on your circumstances and the availability of funds. Carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks before making a final selection, and choose a group with the expertise and experience to meet your expectations.


How can I ensure the quality of my ReactJS app?

To ensure the quality of your ReactJS app, it is important to follow coding best practices, conduct thorough testing, and use modern development tools such as linting and debugging tools. Additionally, it can be helpful to work with an experienced ReactJS development team that can provide comprehensive development and support services.

What is the cost of ReactJS app development?

The cost of ReactJS app development can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the application, the number of features and functionalities, and the development team’s experience and location. Hourly rates can range from $25 to $150 per hour, with project costs ranging from several thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

What are the benefits of using ReactJS for app development?

ReactJS offers several benefits for app development, including efficient rendering and performance, easy maintenance and testing, and flexibility in creating reusable components. Additionally, ReactJS allows for seamless integration with other web development technologies such as Redux, GraphQL, and Webpack.

How can I ensure the success of my ReactJS development project?

To ensure the success of your ReactJS development project, it is important to have a clear project scope, establish communication and collaboration channels, and set realistic timelines and goals. Additionally, it can be beneficial to work with an experienced project manager or hire a ReactJS development team that can provide comprehensive development and support services.

What is the average hourly rate for a ReactJS developer?

The average hourly rate for a ReactJS developer can vary depending on their experience and location. Generally, rates can range from $25 to $150 per hour.

Why should I hire a ReactJS developer?

Hiring a ReactJS developer can be beneficial as ReactJS is widely used for developing web and mobile applications due to its flexibility, high performance, and easy learning curve. A skilled ReactJS developer can create efficient and responsive user interfaces and optimize your web application’s performance.

What is the typical timeline for ReactJS app development?

The timeline for ReactJS app development can vary depending on the complexity of the application, the number of features and functionalities, and the development team’s experience and resources. Generally, small to medium-sized applications can take anywhere from 2-6 months, while larger projects can take several months to a year or more.