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What Makes Laravel a Favorite PHP Framework among Web Developers

Published: Jan 16, 2020  |   | 

Why Laravel is Preferred

Developing robust web applications is quite a task even for experienced web developers. It starts with selecting the right framework that can readily meet the project requirements. Today, the PHP scripting language has an array of frameworks with the necessary technical capabilities to address the demands of modern enterprises. In all these available frameworks, Laravel remains the preferred choice of developers and entrepreneurs alike.

Let’s have a deep dive into what makes Laravel a leading PHP framework and why Laravel development services are beneficial for developing your company’s web application.

Ten Reasons Why Laravel is a Choice of Hundreds of Web Developers

Taylor Otwell has developed the Laravel framework with a view to providinbg a more advanced option than CodeIgniter. Today, Laravel is one of the most trending repositories on GitHub. It has gained over 57000+ stars (and counting) to date. It shows the growing popularity of Laravel among developers globally. Here are the top ten reasons that have made the framework so popular.

1. MVC architecture

Laravel framework has a Model, View, and Controller-based architectural pattern. It also possesses an expressive and elegant syntax that makes the platform object-oriented. The MVC pattern remains developer-friendly and capable of making robust, enterprise-grade apps.

2. User authentication

Laravel development services are popular in the corporate sector for offering better security to personal information and sensitive corporate data. Laravel allows developers to integrate authentication features in web applications. The framework has built-in authentication and authorization system. The web application can be secured by using a few artisan commands. For example, Laravel developers can include a feature to allow websites or web apps to ask users to re-enter passwords every time they log in.

3. Mail communication

These days, many platforms offer communication facility between different stakeholders. For example, eCommerce websites offer chat and online support to their customers and visitors. Many service providers also tend to offer 24/7 customer care services online. There, Laravel can help. When you hire Laravel developers, they can utilize multiple mail services to serve this objective. It enables the website owner to receive messages as soon as the client sends. In a way, you can respond to queries immediately.

4. Packaging system

A packaging system in Laravel is designed for dealing with various support software or libraries. It helps the developers to automate the entire process. In Laravel, a composer is used as a dependency manager that manages all necessary information to manage packages. These packages can accelerate the web app development process while providing the desired features and functionality. Image, Laravel IDE helper, and Laravel Debug bar are a few examples of Laravel packages.

5. Testing procedure

When you hire Laravel developers, you need not hire teams for testing website or web applications. It is because Laravel has automated features for testing that enable developers to test the applications during the development phase. These features are designed to fix errors or bugs as they occur during the programming. Laravel empowers developers to come up with the error-free code. In addition, it is easy to conduct a test run after building a web application.

6. Online traffic control

You have no control over web traffic or online traffic. However, it is possible that your website witnesses a rise in a number of visitors around the same period every year. At times, it leads to traffic congestion and too much data processing. Laravel development can let you control the traffic flow to reduce congestion. It facilitates data processing in batches to keep the system free of any sudden inflow. What’s more, useful features like mail scheduling also help the site owners give respond to inquiries after some time.

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7. App performance

Laravel has multiple functions useful for making apps run faster. Both developers and business owners just hate slow apps because such apps result in poor customer experience. When it comes to slow business apps, it is possible that these apps lead to reduced sales and profit. The Laravel framework can enable developers to get rid of bugs and glitches that slow down apps and responsible for frequent crashes.

8. Cloud support

The cloud concept is the need of the hour for modern businesses. Laravel has built-in support for various cloud storage systems like Rack space and Amazon S3. Here the API remains the same for every storage system, so the developers can easily switch between any of these systems. It saves valuable time for developers. Also, web app owners can use all storage systems together to store and access files from multiple locations with ease.

9. Templating engine

Blade Template Engine is an inbuilt engine in Laravel. It combines one or more templates with a data model to build resulting views and improve the overall performance. It also provides a set of control structures like conditional statements and loops that can be mapped internally to PHP counterparts.

10. Scheduling of tasks and broadcasting

Laravel 5.0 has Scheduler along with the Artisan command-line utility. It facilitates the scheduling of executed tasks periodically. The developers can easily schedule their work and plan accordingly. Also, Laravel has a broadcasting concept which is used to implement real-time data in modern web apps. This concept enables developers to share the same name of events between the server-side and client-side. In a way, it is possible to fetch real-time data and live feeds from the application. Both scheduling of tasks and broadcasting concepts are highly popular among developers.

Laravel development services offer many benefits to entrepreneurs and the platform is powerful enough to manage the web app development projects of any size. Altogether, Laravel has much more to offer for entrepreneurs and developers alike.

Concluding Lines

Apart from these aspects, Laravel keeps on introducing out-of-the-box features in the framework to make it most suitable for building all kinds of web applications. For example, Socialite was introduced in Laravel 5.0 to provide a simple authentication mechanism for various social sites including Facebook, Twitter, and GitHub. Envoy feature offers an opportunity to automate the common tasks with the help of minimal syntax. Such features and built-in functionalities also make the developer’s life easy.

Semaphore Software can provide you the best-in-class services in Laravel template and application development domain. You can hire Laravel developers in a cost-effective way through our flexible engagement models. Just send us an email at info@semaphore-software.com and our expert business consultants will contact you soon.