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10 WordPress Plugins That Have Gained Popularity in 2023

Published: Dec 21, 2015  |   | 

Top 10 WordPress Plugins 2015
As we wind up another year there has been lot of activity in the world of WordPress plugin development ecosystem. It is the time of the year where we can pass a verdict on plugins that became the talking point in the developer community. 2023 was quite a happening year for WordPress as many new plugins made their way into the ecosystem while older ones came of age. Here we take note of the 10 WordPress plugins that gained popularity in 2023.

Simple WP Sitemap

Simple-WP-Sitemap You can’t do without a sitemap and as the name suggest this plugin allows you to generate HTML and XML sitemap without any grinding. This is how easy it is. Get it Now

Compact Archives

Compact Archives If you have been blogging regularly on WordPress, your readers would have to go through long scrolls to check your older posts. Compact Archives is the answer to your woe as it neatly displays your monthly archives in a compact box. Get it Now

Floating Social Bar

Floating-Social-Bar If you are tired of social media plugins that come with hundreds of links to irrelevant social media platforms that slow down your site, Floating Social Bar is a welcome change. Optimized for speed it allows you to add only the social networks that matter. Get it Now

Email Encoder Bundle

Email Encoder Bundle Spam bots are always out phishing for email ids and other personal information of the users. With the help of this plugin you will be able to protect email ids on your website with ease. Get it Now


Sucuri Security of your website is of paramount importance and Sucurioffers you real-timealertall kinds of any security issues and threats to your website. It also has a website security scanner and a malware removal feature. Get it Now

Broken Link Checker

Broken Link Checker

Though it has been there for some time it continues to very popular and helps you in dealing with the problem of broken links and missing images. It notifies you immediately of the problem. Get it Now

Login Lockdown

Login Lockdown Hacks aren’t always a result of superb technical knowledge but persistence. With Login Lockdown you can restrict the number login attempts a user can make within a fixed period of time to prevent unauthorized access. Get it Now

MailPoet Newsletters

MailPoet Newsletters There are many plugins for sending newsletters but none easier than MailPoet Newsletters. You can easily capture subscribers and increase the number of newsletter subscriptions. Get it Now


Thirsty Affiliates Affiliate Marketing is gaining immense popularity and if you want to draw rich dividends out of it, ThirstyAffiliates is your perfect affiliate management plugin and helps you keep tab on your affiliates. Get it Now

SEO No Duplicate

SEO-No-Duplicate Duplicate content can hurt your SEO score. This plugin helps you in overcoming the problem. It manages search engine duplicate content and sets all your post pages’ canonical to the permalink. Get it Now To maximize your returns from a WordPress powered site you need the services of a professional WordPress development company. At Semaphore Software our track record and satisfied clientele speaks for our skills and professionalism. If you want to know more get in touch with us at info@semaphore-software.com