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Top 20 UX Design Tools to Enhance Usability

Published: Nov 24, 2016  |   | 

Top 20 UX Design Tools to Enhance Usability
Planning to launch a website or, revamp your existing website? It is not as easy as it seems; the entire process involves planning the different features you want in your website, preparing a prototype, defining the colors and structure of your website, animating the website, preparing media content, developing the backend and finally testing the website. This final part involves user interaction that you need to watch out for. How will your users interact with your website or, watched them work with your website? Normally, you should develop prototypes and go for split testing that will help you evaluate the website and its popularity. There are a number of tools that help with testing the user experience, with an aim of improving website usability.


This tool helps you develop prototypes for the design you have planned. The tool allows easy drag & drop actions with zero coding to develop prototypes. Developing interactive UI libraries and incorporating the necessary UX elements is made easy with this tool. Once you have the prototypes designed, you can use them on actual devices to check for usability. Brainstorm with your team if this is how the user will interact, and what areas need to be improved.  Get it now


When you are developing a website, you need to interact with it as your end users would. It is important to look at the website from the user’s perspective, which is why you should use this tool. It allows you to improve your website by combining research with different testing methods, and interact with the website as the user would. The tool allows you access to 10 Mn people globally, to understand how the users would use the website, thus allowing you to increase your targeting options and make the website usable.


Wireframes are critical aspect of website designing or redesigning. You can use Picodo to easily create the prototypes and share it with clients and team members. Feedback and discussion on the prototype will help you reiterate your design to keep up with your user’s requirements. Collaboration is made easy with this tool. Get it now


Want to see a video of how your customers used the website and their interaction with your site? Setup this tool for both mobile and desktops, gather the data that will reveal the end user’s experience with your site, and the pain points they experienced while using your website. You can improve your website based on these points, thus enhancing experience. Get it now


How can you improve the user experience for your website? Gather live feedback from the visitors and the customers who are currently using the Beta version of your site. Ask them to fill out feedback forms that will help you get some data on-board. You can even keep a record of their activity on your website, and then use all this data to improve the user experience as per the end user’s requirement. Get it now


Record the user’s activity by keeping a track of the moves made by their mouse as well as the scrolls and key strokes. You will need to maximize on the correlation between the mouse and eye movement to improve usability of your website, and retain the customers who have on-boarded the beta version. Get it now


How does your user interact with the website, and the behavior that they showcase when interacting with your website is important for you to measure usability? With this tool, you can gather unique insights into your user’s behavior, and their visual attention. This combined with the surveys and the records of the user activity can help you collect valuable information, which you can incorporate in your website to enhance usability. Get it now


Usability is also about what your users think of your website, and the response they get from you when they need support or propose a query. With UserVoice, you can research on all that is missing in the competition website, what your user’s feel about your website, and what kind of response they are expecting from your website. This will help you improve the overall experience, by offering just what your user wants. Get it now


It is important for you as a marketer to know why your users are leaving the website? Where are they going, and for how long did they stay on your website? Scroll mapping with this tool will indicate just how long they stayed on the website, what they did on the website, and why they left. The tool will also help you know where the users went to from your site. A perfect tool to understand what gaps are still prevalent in your website! Get it now


InVision is one of the best prototyping, collaboration and workflow platforms available to test user experience in a design-driven environment. You can convert static screens to interactive prototypes at any point in your design phase to understand the usability of the website. The feedback that you get can be incorporated into the design for better performance and enriched experience. Get it now


If you want to test your released or unreleased apps for both Android and iOS devices, then this is the perfect tool for you. You can design a test for your app, and then run the result within an hour or so. The feedback you receive is in the form of metrics, and videos of people who have used the app and have comments on its usability. Get it now


This is the ideal tool for prototyping and collaboration to improve user experience for your mobile apps. You can incorporate testing while designing the app i.e. while creating graphics, sketches and images you can run tests and test the usability of the app. Look up the prototypes on real devices to understand how the users will interact, and work on feedback to improve your app. Get it now


When your users browse through your site, you can view how they are interacting with your site. See where they pause, what content they read, and what type of contents they are interested in with Inspectlet. This information or insights can be used to improve the user experience for your website. Get it now

Optimal Workshop

When you are targeting a specific audience, you know what they are looking for in your site. Make sure your site is designed and the different elements are placed keeping the end users in mind. Optimal Workshop with its indefinite surveys can help you capture the elements that the end user is looking for in the website. The surveys are in card sorting, tree jacking, 1st click testing formats. Get it now


Split testing plays a pivotal role in improving user experience and optimizing the platform for good performance. With the visual editor, you can make real-time visual changes to the website without affecting the live website or app. With Optimizely, you need to code just a single line without disturbing the app. This helps understand what works best with the user in real-time.  Get it now


You can share design events and the app progress to enhance UX capabilities of the website/app in real time in a hasslefree manner. You take lesser time to complete the designs and the entire testing process is streamlined. You can collaborate with others using video based reviews through Notism, which means you know how your user interacts in real-time. Get it now


This is a complete design kit that comprises of all the elements that you need to prepare diagrams, wireframes, drawings and other things needed for a well-designed website. This kit works for Mac and iOS, and helps complete the UX requirements of your app. Get it now


With the built-in usability and collaboration features, this tool works best for improving user experience of your website. This is a prototyping tool that can help you improve usability while building the website or app. Get it now


If you are planning guerilla usability testing, then this is the ideal tool for you. You can capture all the details related to the browsing sessions of the users you are testing to check the usability of the app. Check for facial expressions and reactions through this tool. Get it now


This was developed by the UI designers, and it comes with tools that can help you build amazing prototypes. This platform offers close to 400 widgets, and you can include your own widgets as per your testing needs. You can gain feedback on ongoing design work, and collaborate with stakeholders and team members for better outcomes. Get it now 

Read Also : Top 10 Web Design Tools You Should Be Using in 2016

User experience is critical to any design, website or mobile. You need to ensure you have the user interaction taken care of while designing the app. This will help improve the user experience, thus translating into customer satisfaction. Semaphore Software offers responsive web design solutions that incorporate necessary user experience design to meet your expectations and business needs. Our aim is to convert your prospects into loyal customers through our design approach and testing techniques. Connect with us at info@semaphore-software.com for further details on our web and mobile solutions.