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The Scope of Hadoop and Big Data Technologies

Published: May 29, 2019  |   | 

Scope of Hadoop and Big Data

Big data as a terminology has a wide meaning, it can be portrayed in a number of ways, but in point of fact big data means data sets that are so hefty or multifaceted that usual data processing applications are not suitable. To make it a brief, it is a high-level concept to handle vast amounts of data sets.

Big data has augmented the demand of information management specialists so much that leading organizations such as Microsoft, Oracle Corporation, IBM, SAP, HP, EMC, and Dell have invested around $15 billion on software companies having expertise in data analytics and management. Enterprises for all time are exploring different ways to fetch a business value from their collected data through big data solutions. They have moved their focus to data analytics as the principal source of getting this essential value and are engaged with big data solutions based on their technology capabilities.

Hadoop is in the midst of the foremost big data technologies and has a measureless scope in the coming time. Both the technologies Hadoop and Big Data benefit the organizations in managing big volumes of data.

Hadoop and Big Data can be a precise combination as per several points of outlooks. Hadoop is called over as the open source distributed solution platform for advanced computing that furnishes multiple server hubs to work with massive stores of data. On the other hand, Big Data has also got hold of a large amount of buzz as the quantitative as well as qualitative procedures of extracting knowledge from large storages of data. One can mull over with Big Data as the rider and Hadoop as the horse or more spot on Big Data as the home being built and Hadoop used as the tool to do so.

Also Read: How Big Data Analytics Services Change Healthcare Sector in 2019

Both the technologies with their concepts are getting swiftly developed and are connected in one or the other ways. Even so, both share the related problem of being tested by the rapid beat that is usual for juvenile, who is hurriedly advancing.

Consumption of Data


Today, every enterprise, big or small-scaled, now has open doors to a consummate quantity and quality of data than any time previously. They have more ground-breaking alternatives to come up with services using this data with the introduction of Big Data, Hadoop, and other competing technologies. And this is imperative to pick the exact technology applications as per the requirements.

Growth of Hadoop Developers

hadoop developer salary

As the dimensions of data will elevate, the demand for Hadoop tools will go up. There will be a requirement of more and more Hadoop developers with the series of big data projects. The software professionals having skill-sets in Hadoop will get added advantages of a boost in salary packages and a speed up to career growth opportunities.

Cost-effectiveness and Scalability

As matched to other technology-based solutions, Hadoop is cost-effective and scalable. It can be straightforwardly distributed with big data sets over economical servers.

In conventional and elementary solutions, you are not able to scale much without putting extra money from your finances. Also, to trim down costs many companies delete the raw data and just keep the essential ones. While this tactic is advantageous on a short term basis, but you will face complexities in the long run where you may require this raw data for accomplishing other objectives which are needed in the future. With Hadoop, one does not require to delete the raw data as it offers quite a lot of features which can be utilized to advance and scale a business.

The Popularity of Hadoop and Adoption of Other Technologies

business man pressing modern graph

With real-time data, one can give smart services and applications which build new categories of business esteem as well as, more crucially, the core customer value. Use of machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies are enabling organizations to create more innovative services. These applications built by different techniques include hyper-tailored retail business experiences or for insurance companies foreseeing when somebody may need a policy.

Hadoop still stays as a center for innovation for most projects. However, the technology space keeps on moving hastily, and many organizations will, as of now be exploring past the Hadoop technologies.

Also Read: How Hadoop transforms Big Data Landscape?

Moving Forward

Regardless of how you distinguish it, big data is increasingly setting-up the tools that position businesses and industries apart. Those tools that can yield-focused insights from a big data solution gain a better position to be chosen by organizations and also those who would fail to timely pick or apply this innovation will fall at the back.

In fact, even as Hadoop progresses, the need for big data solutions which doesn’t match current trends would turn it as an elevated cost for the companies who require more notable abilities. So, the ultimate future of Hadoop and Big Data will contain an outsized number of technologies all pooled and synchronized. We have the technology specialists who deliver custom development for Big Data services and also provide big data analytics consulting services, which can effectively turn your business issues into intelligent insights.