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Is App Usability And Loyalty A Result Of Good User Experience?

Published: Oct 27, 2016  |   | 

Is App Usability And Loyalty A Result Of Good User Experience?
User experience is the mark to increase conversions, thus leading to customer satisfaction. Imagine your end user working their way through your mobile app, and finding it difficult to actually navigate from one tab to another. This unease in navigation or use of the app can cause your mobile user to give up on you, and turn to your competitor. You don’t want increase in abandonments, which is why you need to pay attention to user experience. When your client briefs you on an app, the first thing that you need to strategize or design is the user experience. This should be your first priority. Making the end user’s interaction with all aspects of the brand i.e. the company, its services and products etc. is generally referred to as user experience. Making it experiential, and transforming it into yet another visit from the customer is the whole idea of improving the user experience, which is why you need to work on the interface as well as other points of contact. In the world of application development, good user experience can be gauged by two large parameters –app usability and loyalty. In this article, we will take a look at the nuance that makes user experience good and how the above mentioned parameters play important roles. Read on to know what app usability means and how it improves loyalty

App Usability

Usability is the user’s ability to easily use an application without spending unwanted time on understanding its functionality. You know you have developed a good app when users can use it without referring to support online or calling the customer support team. Usability can also be gauged by the rate of adaptability. Here,word of mouth plays a key role – though positive reviews spread slowly negative evaluations can spread like wildfire. This means that if your users find it easy to adapt the app and use it effortlessly, you have taken the right step forward towards enhancing user experience. You can improve the usability of the app by keeping in mind the following points –

• Interactive/ Intuitive User Interface • Effortless Learning Graph • Memorable Experience • Satisfaction of Use

Increasing Loyal Follower Base

Good user experience can also be gauged by the number of loyal users your app has. In this competitive market, user’s attention is easily diverted. It takes an average user just a few seconds to make their decision regarding an app. It’s been said that the user’s attention span is approximately 3 seconds, and you need to cast the right impression in those few seconds. If you are unable to do so, you are going to lose your customer to the competitor. A poorly designed app results in lost conversion, and stays unstable. Releasing an app directly can prove to be a mistake. Release the beta version, get feedback from your select audience, and build on the feedback to release a bug free app. Fostering a relationship with your customer will help you win maximum conversions, and improve brand’s loyalty. When you offer an almost glitch-free user experience, you are simply giving them a reason to come back and use the app again and again.If you are aiming for a loyal user base, you have to start by enhancing the user experience. You have to ensure that a new user is impressed by the app in a few seconds. UX or user experience design plays a very important role in making an app successful and it goes without saying that you should have a dedicated team for this purpose. There are several places where you can outsource user experience design services and get the assurance that you will get just want you want. Nowadays, there are web development companies that have specialized teams working on improving user experience of the apps. Getting in touch with such specialized people will ensure that your app is used by more loyal users and you gain a niche customer base. You can get all this and more at Silver Touch Technologies as we have the right people ready to address your problems and deliver capable solutions. Get in touch with us at info@semaphore-software.com