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8 Important Points to Consider before Hiring a Magento Development Company

Published: Jun 3, 2015  |   | 

Hire Magento Development Company

Magento has grown as one of the most preferred platforms for eCommerce website development. It is one of the leading eCommerce solutions for building powerful online store. Considering the features, modules, extensions, scalability and customization options, Magento does make an ideal platform for building feature-rich and robust eCommerce store.

However just choosing Magento for your eCommerce site will not help, you need to pick the right Magento development company that understands your business requirements and has rich experience to offer you the best solution! To make things a bit easier for you, we have listed down some of the important points you need to consider before you hire a Magento development company!


Magento Development Company experienceBefore you choose a Magento development company, consider its previous work experience and track record. Look at the Magento development projects the company has worked on, the technical skills, professional competence and the capability of the developers to execute a Magento project successfully. An experienced company can effectively handle the obstacles and technical challenges faced in between the development process.


Magento Development Company portfolioConsider the portfolio of the Magento development company you are approaching. By looking at the portfolio you will get a fair idea about the working style of the company. You can get to know about the projects delivered by the company and their commitment towards work. You can even refer to the testimonials of the clients, helping you decide whether the company is capable of executing and delivering the projects to clients’ satisfaction or not.


Magento Development Company resourcesYou need to research whether the company has skilled and talented resources or not. You should choose a Magento Development Company that can ensure your project is in the right hands. The company should have certified Magento developers with requisite experience. There should be backup resources to fill in whenever the need arises. The developers should be aware of the latest tools and have a knack for working on the latest Magento versions.

Pricing Policy

Magento Development Company pricing policyMake proper inquiry of the pricing policies of the company you are going to work with. It is important to have proper knowledge about the flexibility the Magento development company will provide in case of any required changes. Also find out how it will charge for any additional work. The company should have a proper laid out pricing policy for clients and you should be fully aware about it.


Magento Development Company qualityQuality should be of the utmost importance to you if you want your Magento eCommerce store to succeed. Look for companies that are CMMi certified or have ISO 9001 certification. They will ensure delivery of high-quality Magento solutions, ensuring consistent and efficient processes. A Magento development company following international quality standards has integrated and aligned internal processes and strives for continuous improvement, thus delivering cost-effective solutions and improving your ROI!


Magento Development Company communicationEnsure that the company has a proper communication mechanism in place. Right from when the project starts till the time when the project is finally delivered, you need to be in constant touch with the team. Developers should be able to understand your requirements and ready to take your inputs and suggestions for improvements. Moreover the company should be using world-class communication channels for continuous flow of information. Also check whether the developers have good communication skills especially when you are working with an offshore Magento development company.

SEO Aspect

seo aspectDesigning an SEO-friendly Magento online store is vital to get recognized and increase your presence. A company should incorporate SEO techniques to help your Magento site get higher ranks in search engines. Similarly designing a responsive eCommerce site can help you increase your rankings on Smartphone’s. SEO is a core part of any good web development process and should be embedded in the design and development phase of the eCommerce website.

Post Deployment Support

post-deployment-supportPost deployment support is equally important to ensure proper functioning of your online store after it goes live. You need to ensure that your customers don’t have to suffer due to any technical or functional issue. Post deployment support is vital for an improved performance of your Magento site. You will be able to add new features and functionalities and continuously upgrade your online store with newer versions. Choose a Magento development company that provides on-going support and gives you the assurance you need 24/7!

Building a Magento eCommerce store requires an in-depth technical expertise on part of the developers. In this highly competitive environment, you can’t afford to make mistakes that can lead to the failure of your online business. So it is important that your Magento development partner has the experience and expertise to deliver the desired results!

Semaphore Software is a leading Magento development company with a significant experience in delivering high-quality, world-class Magento solutions.

Get in touch with our certified Magento developers through info@semaphore-software.com to get end-to-end Magento services including Magento extensions development and theme & template design!!