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Offshore Software Development- Emerging Trends and Benefits in 2023

Published: Jun 1, 2021  |   | 

Offshore Software Development

Offshore software development is highly popular. Here are the emerging trends of offshore software development services beneficial for modern businesses. Offshore software development is a powerful answer to intensifying competition and increasing cost of software development. Entrepreneurs tend to outsource mobile app and software projects to countries like India and the Philippines for this reason. Apart from cost-effectiveness, offshore software development services enable modern companies to make the most of advancing technology and ultimate talents. 

These days, many reputed and big development companies offer excellent offshore software development services using cutting-edge tools and technologies. As per the official report, the global IT outsourcing market is expected to reach over USD 98 billion by 2025. Let’s discuss the top reasons for growing popularity of outsourcing before going through the emerging trends of offshore software development.

Reasons for Increasing Popularity of Outsourcing Software Development 

Though many reasons we can mention for outsourcing your mobile app or software development project, here we will focus on three major ones- 

Cost Optimization 

One of the biggest reasons why entrepreneurs choose offshore software development is it can not only reduce the costs but also enables entrepreneurs to optimize the development cost smartly. Entrepreneurs can hire a team for their project and work with the development company on a long-term basis to achieve their objectives efficiently. The outsourcing company also offers them scalable and flexible hiring options so that they can scale up or down the team as per the business needs. 

This, in the long term, facilitates entrepreneurs to optimize software development costs. 

Timezone Advantage 

If your company’s headquarters is in the USA or Europe, and you assign your project to the Asian software development company, you can have a timezone advantage. It enables you to focus on the project after office hours, and you can get the final product as per your expectation. The timezone advantage can save your valuable time, and you can monitor the progress without disturbing your work schedule. 

Competitive Edge 

With innovative solutions and technological advancements, modern businesses can stay ahead of the curve. Emerging technologies like AI, ML, Blockchain, and the like can streamline the operations for businesses of all sizes and scale. The offshore software development companies can integrate features based on these technologies to drive the growth of your enterprise and give it an edge over peers. 

Beneficial in Post COVID-19 Era Outsourcing becomes a more viable and cost-efficient option as companies have to work with limited resources in the post-COVID-19 era. Outsourcing software or IT projects can save a lot of time for enterprises and assist them to meet all the deadlines without compromising on quality. Today, multiple options are available for IT outsourcing in offshore countries. Let’s dig deep into the emerging trends in outsourcing for software development.

 Rising Offshore Software Development Trends

Evolving technologies and dynamic growth of offshore software development services have attracted many entrepreneurs to opt for offshore outsourcing. Here are the top trends to watch in this domain.

Cloud Computing Cloud technology is not new, but it has started gaining ground among all sorts of enterprises swiftly. As per the research by IDG, over 69% of businesses are using cloud computing technology to an extent, and 18% are looking to implement it for improving their services. Offshore development companies also offer the cloud services at much reasonable rates. With the help of this technology, development companies can maintain the uptime of 99.9%. This technology also enables software development companies to offer core services on a 24/7 basis and launch their apps or software from any location with ease. Enterprises can leverage the benefits of cloud computing without spending a small fortune through their outsourcing partners. 

AI and ML When it comes to making smart business decisions and getting actionable insights, AI and ML (Machine Learning) come into the picture. Though enterprises have started leveraging the benefits of these technologies, still many organizations do not have a thorough understanding of AI and ML. Reputed software development companies can assist your enterprise to integrate advancements of AI and ML into your existing business system in line with project and business needs. You can outsource the project for ensuring the success of AI strategy in your organization. However, it is necessary to make a roadmap before integrating AI and ML technologies in your company. Your outsourcing partner can also help you to make a plan. 

Collaborative Tools 

This is one of the key trends and major reasons why enterprises opt for outsourcing. Collaborative tools like Trello and JIRA have changed the work culture completely. Enterprises can streamline their workflows, manage tasks, and establish effective collaboration at the workplace with the help of these tools. Collaborative tools are also useful for providing real-time assistance during the development process. These tools act as a bridge between enterprises and outsourcing partners. Be it the quick and effective communication or streamlined process for better collaboration, these tools always remain handy for entrepreneurs and developers alike. Collaborative tools enable businesses to get rid of potential miscommunication with an offshore developer. What’s more, time management, quality control, feedback, and testing become more effective and organized with the help of collaborative tools. 

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) 

Unlike traditional operating models, a robotics-driven model is cost-effective and free from the risk of human errors. RPA, as the name suggests, is useful to bring automation in various mundane and repetitive processes. The software development company can make software-powered robots to perform repetitive processes. The development company can define the standard process for these processes and make software accordingly. The RPA technology enables humans to manage service operations instead of delivering.

Concluding Lines Globally, enterprises have started to count on offshore software development. As a result, we witness new trends and changes in this domain. As the market trends keep on changing amid increasing competition, we can expect that offshore software development services will evolve to serve modern enterprises with advanced software. All you need to find the right offshore outsourcing partner to achieve the desired outcome and drive your business toward growth in the future. Having said that, the trends mentioned here will stay here for some time and impact businesses across the world. You can ensure the success of your software or mobile app development project by choosing the right development partner.