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Offshore Software Development – An In-Depth Guide For Startup & Co-Founders

Published: Nov 2, 2022  |   | 

offshore software development

What is offshore software development?

Is it important for a startup and co-founders? 

Well, every business is unique in its products and services they offer. However, business comes with multiple challenges that demand for a software to streamline the operations to sustain in the competitive market. Offshore software developers well understand the needs of the businesses and deliver a custom-built software for newbies and established businesses. 

Let us study why startups should hire Offshore Software Development companies. 

Top Reasons for a Startup Company Hiring an Offshore Development Team

Hiring offshore software development

There are multiple reasons why a startup should hire offshore software developers for website development. Let’s take a quick look at the reasons. 

Cost-effective Web Development

If you hire an offshore Software Development company, you can reduce the operational costs. You will save a lot of money that you can invest on other necessary expenses. The cost of an offshore developer is much lower than investing in-house developers. 

Increase Productivity

Whenever each development stage is completed, you can experience an increase in productivity. This saves a lot of time and it is necessary to deal with multiple tasks at the same time. But, with the help of an offshore software development company, you can concentrate on other tasks and get over the burden. 

Access to Pool of Skilled Offshore Developers

If you recruit an in-house team, you will have to invest a lot of time and money to hire them and manage them. But, partnering with an offshore development company will instantly give you a larger pool of talent with attractive packages and vast experience. 

Now let us move on to how to manage and build offshore development teams of developers  if you hire. 

How to Build and Manage Offshore Development Team?

Build and Manage Offshore Development Team

Working with an offshore web development company is not complex as it sounds. If you have a proper communication and management process, it works the best. Here’s what you need to check. 

Define your Goals Clearly

Before you reach out to the companies that have a pool of talented developers, you need to define what you need for your business. Define why you need software development for your company, or why are you seeking a web development company? 

Choose the Right Offshore Software Company

The next step is to look for the right development company. They should have vast experience in providing offshore software development services irrespective of any niche. This will ensure that the development partner will work along to reach your business goals. 

Select the Best Communication Tools

Proper communication tools will help to maintain a good relationship with each other. Tools like Slack, Jira, Skype, etc are some of the tools that help to communicate each stage of development and also understand any changes if needed. Give feedback and check if the developers are heading in the right direction for effective software development. 

So, what do you estimate the cost of hiring offshore software developers? 

How Much Does Offshore Software Development Cost

Cost of Offshore Development

While offshore software development results in a cost-effective type of project, it also differs on what type of software you want to build. It is impossible to give you the exact figure on building a software. 

However, with experience we can estimate that the offshore development would cost between $30-45

The cost estimation includes the following factors. 

  • Type and Complexity of the Web Application

  • Type of Platform 

  • UI/UX Requirements

  • Front-end and Back-end Frameworks

Checklist for Hiring an Offshore Development Team for a Startup

checklist for hiring an offshore development for startup

Not that you are aware of what an offshore software development company, go through the below checklist before you hire developers for offshore development services.  

Discuss Your Business Goals With The Team Of Developers

First, identify what and why you need software development for your company. Secondly, if you have an app idea, discuss it with the partnering company. They can help you with the initial MVP and explain the primary goal of the product to fulfill and break it down into measurable and appropriate deadlines to achieve the goals. 

Evaluate The Skills You Are Looking For In Developers

First, know what technology stack you need for your project. Understand the role of each tech stack so that you can decide how many members you would need for your project like, developers, PMs, QAs, or BAs. 

Plan The Budget To Hire Offshore Developers

Budget is the most important question for any startup. You must plan a budget well before hiring the development team. 

5 Best Practices to Hire Offshore Developers

Best Practices to Hire Offshore Developers

How to hire developers from the best companies? Let’s check the top 5 practices to follow. 

Find out the past projects of the outsourced team of developers

Look into their positioning at sites like Grip, check whether they have a profile on LinkedIn, and find out with which clients they have previously communicated. On the off chance that conceivable, contact their past clients and inquire as to whether they can suggest this remote group or designer. In the event that you're a non-specialized pioneer, ensure your specialized fellow benefactor (in the event that you have one) really needs to add to the choice cycle. In the event that you don't have a specialized fellow benefactor, recruit an IT expert (an accomplished tech individual) to assist you with pursuing the ideal choice assuming that you have delays.

Ensure you have the access to the code

Unfortunately, the developer might decline to deliver the code due to conceivable private issues. Accordingly, we recommend that access to the code is one of the requirements for the venture's investment. Furthermore, you ought to be the proprietor or administrator of all connected records at GitHub, TFS, mists, or different stages.

Get some information about their work process

Figure out how they communicate with their clients and dispense engineers to projects. Inquire as to whether they are sufficiently adaptable, i.e., in the event that they can add more engineers over a task. It might happen that the improvement organization's work process may not suit your necessities, so better know this before you recruit a remote group and sign the agreement. Remember about the NDA (non-revelation arrangement); you're additionally allowed to demand the NDA signature even before the dev group begins working, e.g., during the meetings.

Check if the remote developers concurs with all that you need

Assuming the engineer or programming advancement organization says that they can satisfy every one of your prerequisites, it's a caution sign. It implies that they have not completely concentrated on your necessities to check whether they can adjust them to their accessible ranges of abilities. Each web developer has practical experience in various ranges of skills, and not a single one of them can do all that you need with practically no changes except if it's a cheat.

Be proactive 

Proactiveness is one of the fundamental delicate abilities of a startup organizer, particularly while working with a seaward improvement group. Attempt to be out in front of the following day's assignments, particularly assuming that your remote colleagues are conscious and working while you are sleeping. Thus, you will feel sure that all that remaining parts are on target when you awaken.

Does Management of an Offshore Development Team Differ from In-House?

offshoreteam and inhouse team

Common Mistakes Made By Startups When Selecting A Technology Vendor

common mistakes made by startsup when selecting a technology vendor

A good startup tech partner frequently turns out to be important for offshore group. They're essential for your work culture, however from outside, and are appointed explicit tasks to work and deliver  within specific cutoff times.

1. Not Well Defined Requirements at the Initial Stage

Project requirements are the underpinning of a decent programming item. They characterize what your startup tries to achieve and furthermore give an outline to your improvement group to use in building the item. While working with offshore developers, having clear necessities is basic for an effective venture. This can't be overemphasized! You won't obtain any outcomes out of your startup innovation accomplice assuming your task prerequisites are ineffectively characterized!

2. Lack of Information Provided

Data is all that while working with an outside accomplice. It is essential that your undertaking objectives, organization targets, business necessities, specialized prerequisites, client particulars, work techniques, and any remaining pertinent data are made accessible for the outside group you're recruiting. At the point when you neglect to take care of your new group with adequate data, you're planning for a terrible separation. This is a slip-up that numerous new companies make, maybe expecting that their site and blog are adequate wellsprings of documentation for the new dev accomplice.

3. Lack of Communication During the Development Process

One of the dirtiest missteps to keep away from while employing web application advancement accomplices is neglecting to convey routinely and productively. Software development projects require regular correspondence between accomplices for there to be a likelihood of coming out on top.

4. Check on Lack of Technical Skills

The greatest mix-up new businesses make is to hurry through the employing system without performing careful, top to bottom exploration on the improvement organization they're recruiting. You likely have committed this error as well. You will frequently zero in a lot on the cash you're saving, failing to remember that quality starts things out. Neglecting to do a profound jump into all the improvement accomplices you're thinking about is a serious mix-up.

Types Of Offshore Software Development Models

Types of offshore software development models

Here are the most famous offshore software development models.

Fixed Cost Model

The idea of the fixed cost models is perfect for little to medium measured organizations. This specific offshore IT development model is one of the most famous strategies for increasing the business, particularly for organizations with low spending plans. In this strategy, the spending plan of a venture is fixed before the start of the undertaking, which assists with diminishing the constant unforeseen monetary difficulty. Since new businesses and medium-sized organizations frequently run out of spending plans, this model guarantees that they finish their work inside a financial plan and gives the confirmation of never running out of the money.

Time And Material model

As the name recommends, this functioning model of software development or IT relies upon the charging strategy. This strategy is generally utilized when you don't know when assessing the absolute skyline of the work is troublesome. Dissimilar to different models of reevaluating, in this model, the business himself doesn't know about the span of an undertaking. Projects which are not long time based can be done by following this specific work technique. Clearly, for this situation, a group isn't deployable as the idea of the gig is questionable. 

Offshore Software Development Vs. Outsourcing: The Differences

offshore software development vs outsourcing

Offshore Developer Rate Per Hour In Asian Countries Explained And Justified

Bring the biggest continent universally, Asia comprises numerous nations with various moving forward on the innovation front. We should investigate the different elements relating to the seaward engineer rates in Asia.

What are the normal offshore development hourly rates in large Asia?

A large portion of the nations in Asia are developed or underdeveloped. Thus, unemployment is the biggest concern in these nations. Other than this, the populace of the Asian nations is high, and the expectation for everyday comforts is moderately low than different continents, barring Africa.

Considering this impact, the per-hour rates for the offshore developers are generally pretty much as low as USD 18-25/hour for IT administrations.

What are the top IT outsourcing countries in Asia?

Out of these nations, India has been one of the top re-appropriating objections in Asia, and China and Malaysia rank second and third, separately.

Why Offshore To Semaphore Software ?

What is an offshore software development company? When this question comes to your mind, the only answer that strikes is Semaphore Software. They provide the best offshore web development services at an affordable rate and the best skilled team of developers. 

However, before hiring for your startup, you should be clear with your goals and define the project requirements. Only then Semaphore can build a team of developers within your budget. Now that you have learned how to manage the offshore development team, you can overcome the challenges that cross your development process. 


What happens in case I am not satisfied with my offshore team’s performance?

To avoid such situations, set up a team that has years of experience and knowledge on all aspects of the development project. Hire Semaphore Software to avoid these situations. They have skilled professionals with vast experience in developing robust software for startups and large companies. .

How can I access and manage my offshore team?

You can get in touch with your offshore team with the help of various communication channels. Choose a time that is feasible from both the ends and setup meeting, catchup, discussion or video call to understand the progress and have a healthy relationship.

How do I get started with Semaphore software?

All you need to do is reach out to them via phone call, email. Just drop a message and the sales team will immediately call you to discuss your requirements further. They will assist you with the best project manager and team to start with the process once everything is finalized and signed.

How can I monitor the project progress?

Communicate with the team regularly, or keep in touch with the project manager if assigned. Ask them for timely updates, and accurate status of the project to understand better. Also, you can provide them inputs if you need any changes at any stage of the development.

How does the offshore development work ?

You need to define your goals and discuss with the offshore team clearly for them to work precisely as per your requirements. Any miscommunication or missed information will lead to disaster of the app development. They are skilled developers and ready to suggest designs and themes apart from your suggestions. Seek them for any help as they have years of experience in software development.