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Benefits of Collaboration between Marketing and IT for Businesses

Published: May 27, 2016  |   | 

Benefits of Collaboration between Marketing and IT for Businesses
For long, both marketing and IT were disparate and individual bodies, which caused to reflect upon the fractured way in which businesses conducted themselves for a long time. For a customer-centric business, the end user’s experience matters the most, which is why you need to collaborate marketing & IT. Let’s have a quick look at the essential benefits of the successful collaboration of marketing and IT departments for any business.

Improving Customer Focus

In most businesses, IT ensures streamlining backend processes, which means your customer facing systems are ignored. The front-end systems used by the customers’ impact the business in a customer-centric business. Customer is the focus point for both these departments, one that unites them both. IT needs to collaborate with marketing to efficiently streamline the back-end records with the front-end systems for smooth communication and smooth operations. Important information is relayed in real-time owing to this collaboration, which makes collaborative decision making easy for key decision makers. You will be able to keep the IT budgets in check, and reduce the overall business costs.

End-to-end Data Driven Insights

When you collaborate IT and marketing departments, you gain access to insightful data that will help you deliver ideal solutions. You get more insights on your consumer, which will help you align your processes and solutions to the needs of the consumer. In the traditional organizations, IT was a silo program, and was aligned to more functional areas, as against the recent times’ needs. Today IT observes the data as an asset, and understands it from the customer’s perspective to realize the end-to-end solutions as necessary.

Enhanced User Experience

It is important to start with the customer to deliver the ideal solution. You need to enhance their journey with your solution, and enhance the user experience. This is probably why the user design architects from the IT department look at the solutions from the customer’s perspective, and this is possible only because of the collaboration between IT and marketing departments. Marketing departments have started designing the customer’s journey by joining hands with technology. The two teams are connected by a single goal- the customer.

Integrating the Processes

When allocating the budget, IT gets the maximum budget. While IT works as your business enabler, it is the marketing and sales that work towards enhancing the end-to-end customer experience. That’s why it becomes all the more important for you to align the two functions, and span conversations smoothly across the departments for a more holistic architecture and better integration. You need to integrate the processes, and not just the functions to enhance the experience. Semaphore Software offers well-integrated and data driven end-to-end custom software solutions. Our aim to align your business goals & processes to the software solutions, for enhanced customer experience. Get in touch with us for excellent software solutions at info@semaphore-software.com.