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Impact of Mobility Solutions on your Enterprise

Published: May 5, 2016  |   | 

Enterprise Mobility Solutions are dominating modern workplaces. Small & large companies are using these solutions to connect people, machines and their processes, thus making information and data available at fingertips. Today when most companies are switching over to BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) environments, mobility solutions are bringing about a paradigm shift within the work environments. The impact of these solutions can be studied under three distinct categories and here, we take a quick look at them.

Basic Impact Solutions

Most businesses around the world have implemented basic mobility solutions, which have improved the collaboration within the organization. Businesses use enterprise apps to access business data and information on the go via smartphones and tablets. This has enhanced the overall productivity, and reduced the turnaround time for the different business processes. Any app that offers information and allows easy communication within the company and outside creates basic impact for business. In other words all non-consumer apps developed by businesses can be included into this category.

Advanced Impact Solutions

Many businesses have adopted advanced mobility solutions where they have integrated mobility solutions with their business processes. These solutions are aimed at improving internal working of the organization, thus offering relevant information to the customers. For example some courier and logistic companies are using these solutions where every consignment and every vehicle carrying consignments are being tracked using machine to machine technology, thus improving efficiency of these services. Each bit of information is recorded and processed automatically, thus eliminating the chance of discrepancy in information. They also let their clients keep track of the consignments using mobility solutions, by accessing real-time information about shipping and delivery of the consignments.

Business Transformation

This is the ultimate impact of enterprise mobility solution where the entire business is transformed and centered on the mobility solution. Take the instance of mobility solutions for app based taxi service. A customer can book a cab using his/her smartphone tablet, the booking information is immediately sent to the nearest cab available and it is dispatched to the customer’s location. The customer can also track the cab on a satellite map and make payment using the same app on completion of the journey and leave behind a feedback. Many taxi service providers have also taken the solution to the next level by offering 3G/4G hotspots to the customers during his/her ride. This has transformed the cab services as compared to the days prior to enterprise solutions, where thecustomer would make a call and wait for the company to dispatch the cabs by calling up their drivers personally. Enterprise mobile app development presents a huge opportunity for your business. It can streamline business operations and also improve collaboration between employees and vendors. If you are looking for enterprise mobility solutions that take your business to the next level, we at Semaphore Software would help you achieve your business goal. To know more about the possibilities write to us at info@semaphore-software.com.