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How Customized IoT Apps can Revolutionize Industries in 2023

Published: Nov 15, 2021  |   | 

How Customized IoT Apps can Revolutionize Industries in 2022

When we think of automation and industrial transformation, the Internet of Things (IoT) concept remains in the center. Irrespective of the industry sector and size of the plant, IoT can bring revolutionary changes in core processes with the IoT app development process. Be it production or inventory management, maintenance, or real-time assistance, IoT-powered apps always lend a helping hand in taking the global industry to a new level.

Industry 4.0, a big industrial revolution, can be leveraged with the help of customized IoT apps. This popular trend is known as IIoT (Industrial IoT) in the corporate world. IoT development offers some obvious benefits including high visibility, customer-centric approach, reduced TTM, and automation to all industries. Let’s understand the top five use cases of IoT development for asset-rich sectors including manufacturing, chemical, plastic, and utilities.

Five Key Benefits of IoT Development for Global Industries

1. Advanced Maintenance

One of the biggest benefits of IIoT or IoT for industries is it can combine with other emerging technologies including AI, ML, and AR. With the ML-based concept of predictive maintenance, it is possible for IoT apps to manage the asset maintenance process proactively. These apps can enable industrialists to get rid of planning maintenance schedules based on previous details. It is possible to get real-time data to understand whether the equipment needs any maintenance.

Sensors can fetch the relevant data at a specific time and send the same to apps. As a result, you can know the maintenance needs of any machine on the move. IoT development can make the maintenance process more effective to reduce the chances of unexpected downtime, any potential issues, and high maintenance costs. You can save a lot of money, time, and effort while ensuring proper maintenance of the machinery.

2. Improved Quality

Quality control plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of industries. Entrepreneurs want to catch and rectify the quality-related issues before the final product reaches the hands of customers. Here, IoT comes into the picture. It can enhance the quality control process by fetching the complete data of the product during various stages of the production cycle using thermal and video sensors. Also, real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance of equipment assist quality control executives to check whether there is a divergence from standard settings.

It is possible to detect the issues related to the product’s quality at the source with the help of IoT technology. IoT development facilitates industries to take measures for improvements on time. As a result, inaccuracies or technical glitches can be effectively addressed during the product cycle. IoT sensors are capable of finding even the slightest deviation that results in ensuring the quality of products.

3. Enhanced Inventory Management

Inventory management plays a crucial role in any industry because it is directly related to the supply chain. IoT, along with the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) concept, can make inventory management more effective and seamless irrespective of the types of industries. IoT app development is designed to provide accurate detail about every item in digital form using an RFID tag. IoT apps can transform the data acquired by RFID readers into useful business insights that can assist the management to make informed decisions instantly.

IoT-based inventory management is useful for calculating the volume of raw materials for the production cycle. An IIoT-powered system can also send an alert if any item is missing through an app and the respective company can take necessary measures to get the item. Also, IoT offers cross-channel visibility to supply chain managers as they can get a realistic estimate of various materials, the arrival of new materials, and the necessity of materials during the processes.

Also Read- Big Data – A Necessity In The Times of IoT (Internet of Things)

4. Better Operational Safety

No industry can compromise on operational safety and the employee’s well-being. With big data analytics, IoT can optimize the worker’s safety effectively. Be it a manufacturing plant or hazardous areas in the industry, equipment, employees, and operations can remain secure with the help of IoT technology. IoT development is useful in tracking worker absence, machinery damage, and any other mishaps that can convert into big damage or a threat to the employee’s safety.

IoT wearables can monitor the employee’s vital parameters continuously when they work in factories and fields. Stress levels, heart rate, fatigue, general movement, and other health metrics can be accurately measured and sent to the company’s management through sensors and feature-rich IoT applications. This information is beneficial for industrialists as they can improve their compliance for the employee’s well-being and reduce insurance costs significantly.

5. Smart Packaging

Just like smart cities and smart buildings, IoT development contributes to bringing smart packaging to modern enterprises. Smart packaging can use materials with embedded interconnectivity to enable industry users to leverage the benefits of IoT. On one hand, smart packaging can engage consumers, and on the other hand, it can generate valuable data to facilitate industries to pack the product more effectively. Various tutorials, videos, and other audio-visual means to explain the usage of products can be considered as a part of smart packaging.

IoT combines with AR, VR, or MR (Mixed Reality) for offering smart packaging. With sensors, QR codes, and various options for visual technologies, smart packaging can attract many customers while adding value to the business. It also collects valuable data to boost efficiency and make the product more customer-friendly over the period with the help of smart tracking techniques. Industrial operations related to the packaging and shipping of products can make the most of the smart packaging concept.

IoT app development enables users to see the entire operation on interactive and customizable dashboards. Such apps not only open the doors of new opportunities for industries but also increase productivity and the staff’s efficiency over the period.

Wrapping Up

Though feature-rich IoT apps can assist entrepreneurs to take the company to the next level, it is fair to mention that these apps are vulnerable to cyberattacks and security threats like connected devices and other IIoT components. It is, therefore, necessary for manufacturers or industrialists to build robust and secure IoT apps from a reputed IoT development company. A reliable and reputed IoT app development company can make the app with clear objectives and desired features with a seamless performance.