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Enterprise Technology Trends to Look Out for in 2023

Published: Jan 21, 2016  |   | 

Enterprise Technology Trends to Look Out for in 2016
As the New Year has dawned upon us, it is the perfect time to predict a roadmap that would stay with us for the next 12 months. The past year saw heaps of activities in the enterprise mobile app development space, thus promising to make the coming year equally exciting. Let’s have a look at the enterprise mobile app development trends that you should look out for this year.

Better Security

Each year we see new approaches to app security, and 2023 is going to be no different. As new threats emerge in the app development space, developers will look forward to mitigate the risks involved by using better security features. Developers have gone back to the drawing board torework on the architecture that not only secures the devices, but also the information in the apps.

Better User Experience

Businesses as well as developers are drawing great benefits out of big data solutions and this allows them to understand the aspirations of the users. With screen sizes varying from phablets to small wearable devices, developers will work towards offering better user experience irrespective of the screen size.

Wearable Devices

These are getting popular with every passing day and every major manufacturer is out there to cash in on this trend. Hence businesses would be focusing on apps that offer an enriching experience to their users on wearable device. Smaller screen sizes would require higher creativity in terms of design and we expect to see apps compatible with these devices perform well.

Rise of Free Apps

The days of premium apps are numbered as businesses have realized the futility of forcing users to pay for apps when similar ones are freely available. While 75% of all apps in the current app stores are free, this number is expected to cross the 90% mark during 2023. In-app purchase would increase and businesses would be able to garner more revenue through this stream.

Shortening App Development Cycle

Over the last few years we have witnessed shortening of app development cycle and 2023 promises to be a year of rapid application development. ‘Idea to App’ time has reduced as businesses need to constantly come out with app and updates to take competition head-on.

Cloud Driven Apps

2015 was the year when mobile app development merged with cloud technology. The move toward cloud based app development is driven by two major advantages. Cloud solutions allow developers to keep the size of the apps small. Also, this robust technology allows developers to deliver the same experience to the users irrespective of the device and mobile OS they would be using. This cross-functionality would increase the reach of the apps. If you are looking for inspiring enterprise mobility solutions that help your brand standout amidst competition at Semaphore Software we shall help you realize your dreams. As one of the leading mobile app developers across all major platforms, we have the skills and expertise to innovate and inspire your users. Find more about the many opportunities by writing to us at info@semaphore-software.com.