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.Social Mobile App – Be Socialized to Manifold Social Media by Single App

Published: Feb 18, 2016  |   | 

Dot Social Mobile App
“Social Network” has become a catchword since the past decade. It has not just attracted individuals but also enterprises, and has compelled them to use this platform to grow their business. Social networking websites have gone niche to serve the different needs arising. There has been an exponential rise in the smartphone usage, especially among youngsters and professionals, which is also responsible for the increased usage of social media on mobile platforms. It offers accessibility, mobility and increased engagement. The major problem faced by smartphone users is installing separate applications to use different social media. Semaphore Software offered a solution “.Social” which will unify the different social media platforms into a single application. “.Social” is a multiplatform smartphone application available for iPhone, Android and Windows Phone platforms. .Social provides easy interaction with the most popular social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in, Instagram, Tumblr, Vkontakte, Pinterest, Flickr, MySpace, Google+, hi5 and We Heart It. .Social does not require any separate registration to access the application. Users just need to login using their authenticated credentials for each social platform individually. On successful login, you will be able to view all information for all the accounts at a single place.

Following are major features of .Social smartphone app:

  • Provides a single point to access multiple social media platforms
  • No separate registration is required. Users can login using their social account credentials
  • Get instant notifications for one or multiple social accounts for Twitter, Instagram, Vkontakte and Tumblr
  • View the count for update notifications received for the different social platforms
  • Security of user’s information as application directly gets user’s account information from official APIs & official website of each social platform
.Social Mobile App

.Social App provides following social media wise functionality


  • View posts from your friends, as well as the pages and groups you are linked to in the News Feed
  • Send & receive messages
  • View notifications in the Notification Center
  • Manage facebook profile information


  • Post Tweet with Photographs
  • View list of tweets posted by your followers or from followings
  • List of tweets tweeted by you.
  • Followers, Followings & Favorites list


  • Post by Instagram friends with Photographs
  • Post Insta Like on friends post
  • View list of Instagram users following you
  • List of Instagram users you are following


  • View recent updates & manage profile
  • Browse through “People You May Know”
  • View Groups, Companies & Job Details


  • View Blog information upon successful login
  • Access to Posts – Text, Photo, Quote, Link, Chat, Audio, Video, Answer
  • View Followers and Likes


  • Connect with friends using messaging feature
  • Share photos, videos, audio files, maps & documents
  • View post on their profile walls


  • Access to existing Pinterest account or create new by registration
  • Post your pins with Image
  • Search for specific Pins by Keyword Search
  • View your past posted pins
  • Post Like and Comment on other’s posted Pins


  • Upload photos to your Flickr account
  • Photos can be shared with users and targeted groups
  • View photographs uploaded by other users


  • View list of featured posts
  • Follow people on this social network
  • View posts by friends


  • View blog information upon successful Login
  • Access to Posts – Text, Photo, Chat, Audio, Video
  • View Followers and Likes


  • Access your Hi5 account upon successful login
  • Browse through Friends & send request
  • Share Photo, Quotes, Links
  • Like, Comment on other user’s post

We Heart It

  • Access to existing We Heart It account or create new by registration
  • Post your Image
  • Search for specific inspirations by Keyword Search
  • View posts by other We Heart It users
  • View your past posted images
  • Follow inspirations & people
.Social gives access to all the above mentioned popular social media platforms in just single application. After using .Social, you do not require to install separate applications for the different social media platforms. Download .Social now from iTunes, & Windows Phone Store. Semaphore Software is a leading mobile app development company. We offer specialized Android app development services. You can contact us at info@semaphore-software.com to know more about the services we offer.