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Detail Guide – Hire and Manage Software Development Team for Your Product Development

Published: Oct 13, 2022  |   | 


Have you heard this before that a dedicated team of developers are fed up with the manager? The manager might be constantly hovering with questions like, what is the timeline, when is the project getting to its final stage, and multiple changes that might not be possible. 

Well, they may not have the knowledge of the development process and Software Development Services that you provide. When you are leading the software development team be ready with the tools, technologies, methods that help the team for success. 

This blog will guide you on how to hire software developers and manage the dedicated team of developers. 

How To Hire A Dedicated Software Development Team?

cost to hire dedicated team

Our offshore dedicated team has listed out a few steps to help you hire a software development team. 

Analyse the Budget and Requirements

Decide your business goals, the need of project requirements, and how much are you ready to invest. These answers will give you exactly what  you want and accordingly you can choose the right outsourced development team.

Choose the Business Model

You should decide whether you need to hire a dedicated developer or you will need a team of skilled resources for specific tasks. If the product is ready you may only need a developer to support and for maintenance.

Interview to Hire Dedicated Software Developers

You can find dedicated developers in various locations. You can also use social media connections to find the best software development team. The companies you choose, check their profiles, team’s experience, portfolio, check their feedback and testimonials, to understand their capability of delivery work and quality. 

Set KPI Tool and Start Development Process

Once you hire a dedicated software development team, you can now set up a KPI tool to check their performance. You need not manage their working hours regularly. Ensure you keep in touch with them and communicate each stage of the process to stay in loop. 

What Is The Cost to Hire a Dedicated Software Developers Team?

How much does it cost to hire a software developer?

cost to hire dedicated developers

Well, there are multiple factors that are involved in the cost to hire dedicated resources. Hiring a remote developer, an in-house team, freelancers, all make a difference. 

Each has their own pros and cons but ultimately hiring dedicated offshore developers is the cost-saving option and you will get quality work within the timeline. 

Whether you start mobile development from scratch or improve the existing application, you need to hire a dedicated development team to complete the project. Below are the elements that are involved in compiling the answer to how much does a software development team cost. 

  • Choose a mobile platform

  • Project complexity

  • Location of the app developer team

  • Experience and proficiency

  • Type of app development

  • Junior to senior level developers cost

What Are The Advantages With Dedicated Software Development Team Models?

advantages with dedicated team

If you are looking to make your app idea into reality and want to hire a dedicated development team, select the best team model to execute the project. Check out the below advantages of hiring dedicated development teams. 

Cost-effective Investment

If you recruit an in-house team of developers or choose to hire dedicated developers from an outsourcing company, the cost difference is huge. For an in-house team you need to invest every month and manage them everyday, provide them with training. With an outsourcing team, they are already well managed and with the latest tech skills they are equipped with the latest tools. 

Easy Hiring

There is no fuss in hiring the team of remote developers. For in-house recruitment it takes a lot of time and money. To select the developers team you can select the team that fits your business requirements with years of experience. 

Ease of Communication

If you hire a software development team they have a manager or the spoc of the team who will communicate with you whenever you need to keep the process transparent. If there are any changes, it is their responsibility to convey you and move forward. There are multiple communication channels like Skype, Email, Jira, or any other means to communicate easily. 

Flexibility with Developers

Hire remote developers who are flexible to work at your time or they are flexible to discuss your requirements and changes in the middle of the process at your convenient time. You can choose a fixed time that suits both the parties and connect easily. 

Dedicated Offshore Developers

Hire a team of developers who adopt your culture. With a dedicated team who is ready to adopt your culture it becomes easy to expect them to deliver successful project. 

With these advantages do you think it is easy to manage them from different locations? Let us understand how?

How to Manage An External Dedicated Development Team?

manage An External Development Team

This is the important part of the entire blog. How to hire the best software developers may sound easy but managing the team from a different location is very difficult and can be daunting. 

Let us give you an easy way to manage offshore developers remotely. 

  • Communication with Software

Your team needs software that makes it simple to cooperate and sort out. The product advancement project the executives apparatus permits the group to perceive how individual assignments fit into the general venture objective.

Managers structure, plan, and focus on the singular errands that make up one task. Project the board programming likewise gives your group a simple method for cooperating.

  • Proactive Communication

Week by week one-on-one gatherings are much of the time delighted by numerous workers. Adequately all its various forms of feedback under control, however not so successive that they feel continuously fussed over. During these meetings, pose inquiries about individual and gathering difficulties, boundaries, and ideas for development. Work to assemble trust, show sympathy, and tune in.

  • Map your Expectations

Recognizing and outlining necessities is critical to progress while driving a product improvement group and conveying excellent programming. Obviously characterising the extent of the improvement work and expected expectations due inside a particular time period and putting away them in a unified area inside your undertaking the board instrument can guarantee engineers are in total agreement and know precisely the exact thing to deal with.

  • Allocate Tasks Accordingly

Your developers' daily agendas can become extensive. Focusing on their jobs can be testing when imperfections are found, bugs require pressing consideration, and new code should be composed. To assist your group with remaining focused, you can dole out undertakings to each colleague utilising project management software.

  • Monitor Real-time Updates

Project the board programming apparatuses for the most part give constant announcing abilities, including time-following and undertaking culmination reports to address your team result visually.    

What Are The Main Types Of Engagement Models For Hiring Dedicated Development Teams?

Different Types Of Engagement Models

When you choose to hire dedicated web developers or app developers remotely, the prompt next move includes choosing a commitment model that suits your business objective. Choosing a reasonable model is significant as it decides the achievement and disappointment of your expert coordinated effort and relationship.

The following are the types of engagement models:

Fixed-Price Engagement Model

As the name proposes, the model is fixed. The decent model includes having a reasonable vision of the undertaking necessities, cutoff times, and goals that expect to be accomplished. Everything includes an intensive investigation and computations prior with the goal that no strange and unseemly changes emerge during the joint effort between a merchant and a recruiting organisation.

While looking at the committed improvement model versus the fixed-cost model, the last option requires a firm cost started between contracting parties that can't be surpassed. This is an extraordinary benefit for the employing organisation as it wipes out every unexpected cost.

Time and Material Model

This commitment model is very direct. Clients pay for times when employed experts are devoted to the undertaking. This can fluctuate regarding length and intricacy. Besides, as changes are made while the venture is progressing, there is a defer in the cutoff time, and they are neglected. Accordingly, the client-side contribution raises.

You ought to carefully view your assumptions as you are uncertain of choosing between the committed advancement model and the time and material model.

Offshore Development Center- ODC

This model includes teams that are an expansion of the client's team and that are set at an alternate location(s).

An Offshore Development Center (ODC) can be maintained by offshore development agencies that demonstrate its software development capacities.

There are different advantages to utilizing this model, including, however not restricted to:

  • The expense viability of tasks,

  • Groups that can increase and down depending on the situation, and

  • More prominent inclusion of work hours in a given schedule day (as long as numerous time regions are satisfactory).

Apart from these three engagement models, there are several other outsourcing models for software development. 

IT Staff Augmentation

This model permits you to enhance your in-house group with assets provided by a seller organization. It considers adaptability in increasing groups in view of occasional interest and assists with reducing expenses related with full-time recruiting of representatives.

Staff augmentation is a decent choice in the event that your turn of events or QA necessities are firmly combined with the work being finished in-house; however, expect face to face as opposed to far off joint effort.

Hybrid Model

This model is a blend of the onshore and offshore models. It tends to be an optimal fit in the event that you require both an on location presence as well as remote help.

Managed Services

This is a commitment model where the merchant deals with the help for you in a start to finish and all encompassing way. They handle all necessities that emerge inside an area of work.

Fixed Price Projects vs Dedicated Development Teams

Fixed Price Projects vs Dedicated Development Teams

While settling on the best outsourcing model for your task, there are a few interesting points.

Fixed Cost – In the event that your item is distinct and has a proper financial plan, this is perfect in the event that you need full oversight over how much your organization spends. This is perfect for models, PoCs, or little MVP projects. It will be trying to request significant component changes without having legitimate change the board systems set up.

Dedicated Groups – One of the upsides of this model is that it is perfect for new businesses where the item thought is developing and may have to turn and reprioritize includes regularly founded on client criticism. 

You will have direct admittance to the designing group who work solely on your undertaking. This is perfect in the event that you need full command over your undertaking, however you would have to design a drawn out relationship with the improvement organization and a drawn out vision for the item. 

Committed advancement groups can assist your tasks with being dexterous and develop over the long haul.

How to Choose the Right Software Development Partner?

Choose the Right Software Development Partner

Evaluating the right partner is the key to ensure the right fit for your project. The factors that give the answer to – how to hire offshore software developers team or partner includes communication, location, project size, cost-saving, and time zone. 

Define Your Goals

As any task needs to begin with an outline of the issue. This incorporates what are your objectives for the item and what prerequisites does it need to fulfill?

Questions to ponder:

  • Characterize the issue you will address with the item.

  • Who will be the clients of your product?

  • What are the elective arrangements currently on the lookout?

  • How rapidly would it be a good idea for you to offer this item for sale to the public?

  • What are the highlights expected for a MVP discharge?

  • What is your financial plan?

Know Your Budget

Developing a software product could cost somewhere in the range of several thousands to millions. It is basic to set a financial plan prior to beginning the item improvement process and see plainly the amount you will spend for your product needs.

You might need to make the item in stages:

  • Product Requirement Discovery 

  • Verification of Idea

  • Build and Launch MVP

  • Learn, Improve, Build, and Delivery

Plan Your Team

Decide the kind of group you really want, and what sort of skills sets are expected to construct the product. You might require a product manager or a CTO to help you through this cycle. What sort of innovation is the item going to be underlying?

Research on Software Development Companies

Depending upon your financial plan, extension, and intricacy, you should choose where you might want to employ your improvement group. You can begin exploring organizations through google, visit sites, Connected In, and demand for an underlying discussion. Refine your rules in light of innovation, geology, quality, and spending plan. Contact organizations and set up a multi week to meet with a considerable lot of them and select the best 3 to assess further.

Discuss your necessities in the wake of marking the NDA and demand for a proposition. At this point, you will find out about who your next accomplice ought to be.

Before Hiring

Speak 2-3 ongoing customer references. On the off chance that conceivable request an on location individual visit or think about visiting the Organization in their base camp. Get the understanding reviewed by your Legal advisors.

Hiring Freelance Software Developers vs. Hiring Through Semaphore Software

Hiring Freelance Software Developers vs. Hiring Through Semaphore Software

How to hire a software developer? 

Who should you hire dedicated developers- freelancers or Semaphore Software?

Well, the answer is Semaphore Software. 


Our way to deal with giving a Committed group that matches your prerequisites. Read how we stand separated from other improvement accomplices.

We give you-not one, not two, but a number of times to interface with our best engineers so you can realize them and afterward choose if they are a marital counterpart for your project. Feel free to it out on the grounds that we're certain you will not be disheartened.

Whenever you have banded together with us and are working with a devoted group, the group is all yours. In a real sense, you can contact them straightforwardly with next to no go between or even without a project manager. We comprehend that you are so near your undertaking, so certain you need to be explicit and watchful.


How is the dedicated development model different from the other outsourcing models?

The dedicated team model, unlike the outsourcing models, works with organizations of all sizes and businesses and can save a lot of time and money spent on recruitment.

How long does it take to start my project development?

All things considered, there are typically five to seven stages overall Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) models – all of which have different time periods appended to them, as displayed underneath: Planning – two to about a month, Architecture – two weeks, Development and Coding – three to eight months.

Do we have a pilot project as our software development services?

Yes. With a pilot project, you have the opportunity to perceive how the technology works prior to deciding to put resources into a full-scale arrangement. It lets you “try before you buy,” maybe. With negligible investment, a pilot project allows you to relieve the gamble of disturbing clients or squandering assets.

How to make a Dedicated Team highly profitable?

Ensure to have a clear idea on what is your requirement and what is the purpose behind launching the project. Use consensus of the other board members and stakeholders, build the right relationship with the development team with periodic communication and appreciation. Set the right rules with the team and align with them at every stage of the project.