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Six Reasons Why You Should Opt for React Native Apps in 2023

Published: Feb 3, 2020  |   | 

hire React Native developers

Hybrid app development is a great option for companies that want to come up with cross-platform apps in a short time without spending a fortune. But then, such apps may fail to provide the user experience as that of native apps. So, is there any option to get the benefits of both native and hybrid app development in the business app? The answer is- Yes. React Native development services make it possible for your app.

Popular apps like Skype, Instagram, Tesla, and Airbnb are powered by React Native. You can simply hire React Native developers to follow suit. But, here is the question- why should you opt for React Native app development? This blog gives you an answer.

What is React Native?

Let’s start from scratch. Facebook launched this open-source platform in 2015. It enables developers to build high-end apps for both Android and iOS without making a difference in quality and performance. Soon it gained popularity among the app developers thanks to its native platform capabilities. Let’s go through the reasons why you should go for React Native apps in the year 2023.

Why should React Native be your choice for developing an app in 2023?

When it comes to business app development, two factors, time and money have significant importance. React Native app development services have successfully addressed these factors in the past and they will continue to do so in the years to come. Here are the top six reasons why you should develop React Native apps in the year 2023.

1. Quick Development in Reduced Cost

When you Hire React Native developers for developing your app, you can expect faster development. It results in less development cost. The reason is simple- the React Native framework enables the developers to transfer codes across different mobile platforms with ease. A React Native app for iOS can be developed for Android OS by using a single code with minor changes. It reduces the app development time and cost.

As per one estimate, the time taken for developing a React Native app is about 33% less than the same necessary for developing a native Android or iOS app. In a way, you can come up with an app that runs seamlessly across both Android and iOS platforms in a short time.

2. Reusability of Code

With the React Native framework, it is possible to use the same code for iOS and Android app development. Simply put, the developers write the code once and use the same everywhere. Reusability also contributes to reducing the development time because the developers need not depend on different languages like Java, Swift, etc. A JavaScript developer who is well-versed with the native UI library and APIs can readily create a React Native app.

What’s more, the React Native platform has a huge community of active developers. So, if any issue occurs during the development, the community helps developers fix them quickly.

3. Appealing UI, Excellent UX

ui ux

React Native apps have appealing UI thanks to the rich native library. These apps load quickly and provide easy navigation that translates into great user experience (UX). React Native app development services are aimed at developing native- like apps. React Native apps have native widgets in UI that work seamlessly to give a look-and-feel of native apps. If you want to stay ahead of the curve with a native-like app, the React Native app development can provide you a robust and reliable solution in a cost-effective way.

Also Read- Major Aspects that Differentiate ReactJS and React Native

4. Live Update

The Live update is a wonderful feature of React Native. When you hire React Native developers, they can use JavaScript to push live updates directly to the user’s smartphones. It enables app users to get rid of visiting the app store for updating the app. Live update is an advanced feature and one of the biggest benefits of the React Native platform.

It enables developers to apply changes in the code in real-time and makes necessary corrections during the loading of the app. It results in having the updated app version instantly. The app users like this characteristic of React Native apps very much because it saves their time and effort.

5. Less Memory Required

React Native has compatibility with 3rd party plugins. In other words, developers need not rely on WebView for adding some functionality like Google Maps to the apps because of this compatibility. It is easy to add the plugin with a native module to use device-specific functions like zoom, rotate, and the like. When built-in functions are used in a React Native app, it reduces the memory usage and promotes faster loading of the app in the user’s devices.

6. Modular Interface

Apart from saving valuable time for developers, the reusability of code also facilitates them to detect bugs. React Native has a modular and intuitive architecture to enable developers to understand the project at any phase of development. It increases the development team’s flexibility and capability to make updates at any time during development.

The modular interface also enables testers to understand the programming logic and assist them to build the testing scenario. It can save time in testing and maintenance of the React Native app. Also, it is easy to move an existing React Native app to another development framework. When you hire React Native developers, they can simply export the app from React Native to move it in either Android Studio or Xcode.

React Native is one of the few cross-platform app development platforms that bring new updates regularly. In the year 2023, this framework will bring some new features like accessibility improvements, new start screen, auto-linking with OS and Fast Refresh to enhance the user experience. In a nutshell, React Native development services have a bright future ahead.

Concluding Lines

After having the eventful year 2022, the React Native platform is all set to provide a promising app solution in 2023. Many companies invest in developing React Native apps for this reason. Cross-platform compatibility, enhanced UI, and other excellent features will help React Native apps gain ground in the years to come. If you want to save big on app development without compromising the quality, React Native can be your preferred option.

Our React Native development services include testing, customization, and maintenance of React Native apps. We have an in-house team to develop React Native Android and iOS applications with desired features. To know more about our flexible hiring models, simply send us an email at info@semaphore-software.com. Our business consultants will get back to you as soon as possible.