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AngularJS vs React.js vs Node.js vs Vue.js- Which Framework is Right for Your Next Project?

Published: Dec 17, 2021  |   | 


When it comes to building a customized business web application, JavaScript remains a preferred programming language for developers across the world. However, as web app development technology evolves, we have four highly popular JavaScript frameworks available to choose from- Angular, Node, React, and Vue. 

Here the question arises- which one should we choose for our project? This is one of the most common yet complicated questions for SMEs for their web projects.

 In this article, we will compare AngularJS, React.js, Node.js, and Vue.js with a view to assisting you to choose the most suitable framework for your next project. These days, selecting the best tool for building customized web applications is a daunting task for SMEs and startups alike. Even web app development companies are debating on the superiority of one framework over others. We have attempted to compare all four platforms strategically in this article. 

Angular vs. Node vs. React vs. Vue- Which is the Right Framework for Your Enterprise?

We will start with Google’s AngularJS framework because it has gained a lot of traction in the developer community in a relatively short time. AngularJS Google has developed this open-source, client web framework for Angular developers to solve issues of single-page app development. AngularJS was launched in the year 2010 and contributed to extending the web application’s HTML vocabulary while building robust SPAs (Single-Page Applications). 

Thanks to the extensibility feature, Angular can work well with other libraries, and Google keeps on updating this framework on a regular basis. 

Why Angular Web App Development?

  • Angular architecture offers automatic and easy synchronization between the model view and the components
  • Inbuilt dependency injection subsystem is quicker and easier for rapid Angular app development and testing
  • Angular provides improved design structure and handles dependencies effectively to reduce the development time

React.js Maintained by Facebook, React.js or React is an open-source, front-end, JavaScript library for building UI components. It is useful especially when the significant focus is on rendering performance. In the MVC architecture, React.js depends more on View (V), and it is the most popular framework in the developer’s world to solve problems related to large data sets. As many as 40% of developers tend to use React framework again. 

Why React Web App Development?

  • It offers highly reusable components and enables developers to get server and client-side rendering
  • It maintains a virtual React DOM to update the changed parts randomly. It also facilitates native iOS application development by allowing the use of JS
  • React can build SEO-friendly applications and ensure faster rendering with the easy maintenance of applications.

Node.js Node.js works with the Google Chrome V8 JavaScript engine. It is considered a server instead of a framework in the developer community. The callback concept of Node.js brings a completely unique idea of single-threaded server programming driven by events. It also runs JavaScript on the server-side. Node.js is a robust server and a crucial component of MEAN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js) stack development. 

Node is generally used to build robust backend services that communicate with client-side applications and simplify the complexities of app development. Node.js-based applications can receive and send data through an API, a backend service. In Node.js development, APIs serve as an interface between different programs for facilitating communication between each other. It is possible to use the same API for a web and mobile app to store data, send notifications or emails. 

Why Node.js Web App Development?

  • Node can integrate a 2-way client/server communication for ensuring seamless operations
  • It is useful for both front-end and back-end into development with the same JavaScript
  • It enables developers to listen and reply to HTTP requests and access databases directly from their computers

However, Node.js has some drawbacks as well including-

  • Developers have to deal with excessive nested callbacks
  • Node.js developers need to work with the asynchronous execution model that requires more tasks than the linear blocking
  • Node lacks a standard library that can at times, make the programming difficult

Vue.js This progressive framework is typically used for developing feature-rich user interfaces (UIs). It mainly focuses on the View (V) layer of the MVC architecture like React.js. It enables developers to integrate the components into existing projects without hassle. It is a preferred choice for building single-page applications.

Many big names including IBM, Adobe, etc. have already adopted Vue.js for their applications. One of the biggest benefits of Vue.js is it makes developers capable to build applications using modern technologies. With a gentle learning curve and high scalability, Vue.js has gained fame quickly among developers. Apart from SPAs, Vue.js is useful for building small components in large corporate websites. 

Why Vue.js Web App Development?  

  • Vue.js is easily adaptable and developers can integrate it into front-end development projects. You can come up with robust apps using VueJS, as the framework does not require additional plugins or external libraries
  • Vue.js offers simple and easy coding for better code maintainability that reduces bugs and development duration
  • Vue.js has the most consummate doc library for developers for making the Vue.js mobile app development process easier for developers

  Also, Vue.js remains effortless in setting up and works faster than other popular frameworks. With detailed and comprehensive documentation, it facilitates developers with little knowledge of JavaScript and HTML to build customized apps. Reactivity, flexibility, and simplicity are three major benefits of the Vue.js framework. 

Wrapping Up In a nutshell, comparing these JavaScript frameworks is like comparing apples with oranges. All these four JavaScript-based frameworks are advanced and high-performing. You can choose the best one by considering your business needs and the objectives of customized apps. The right selection of framework can take your business to a new level, and therefore, it is better to consult a reputed web app development company to choose the most suitable framework.